
RAMADAN: An Honourable Guest


In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful.

Soon Insha Allaah, a unique, a generous and a honourable guest is going to knock at our doors ….a guest that visits us once a year and brings with it blessings and happiness. A guest that brings with it the wide Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah. A guest that brings with it the smell of Paradise….

That special guest, of course, is Ramadan.

Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an, the month of Mercy, the month of Forgiveness, the month of making dua and prayer at night, of Iftaar and Suhoor. And, insha Allaah most of us are going to be fasting. However, it is HOW we will be fasting that is of utmost importance.

Some of us will be fasting by staying away from food, drink and passion….but, unfortunately, it will be just that and no more…..

Because they will not keep their hands from committing evil and their tongues from committing evil and their eyes and ears from committing evil.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allaah has no need of his giving up his food and drink.” (Bukhaari)

And the Prophet (pbuh) also said: “It may be that the fasting person gets nothing from his fast apart from hunger, and it may be that the one who prays qiyaam at night may get nothing from his qiyaam but a sleepless night.” (Ibn Maajah)

And some of us will be fasting, not only staying away from food drink, etc., but also watching our ears, eyes, tongue, hands and feet and keeping them away from sin. And this is definitely better than the first kind of fasting. And then there is the third and best kind of fasting….the kind of fasting that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’ala will be pleased with…..the kind of fasting we ALL should aim for and strive for….THAT IS THE FASTING OF THE HEART.

The fasting heart is generous and kind…..eager to give in the path of Allaah, not only the obligatory Zakaah, but extra acts of charity, with the intention of pleasing Allaah alone, hoping for a reward from Him.

The Month of Mercy to Muslims once again we welcome it .Once again it welcomes us .This month will be for each of us what we shall make of it .A month of return, introspection, meditation, brotherhood and love.

Is narrated that once Ramadan was approaching, the Holy Prophet Muhammed (May the peace and blseeing of Allah be upon him ) gave a sermon in which he explained to Muslims importance of Ramadaan.He (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) advised Muslims how to behave while fasting so that their fast would be accepted and they would receive the mercy of Allah.

Here are a few sayings.

Read ahead and think about some of the things He Prophet Muhammed (May the peace and blseeing of Allah be upon him) said:

“O people! The month of Allah has come with His mercies and blessings. This is the month that is best of the months as to Allah. Its days are the best of days .Its nights are the best of nights.

While fasting remember the hunger and thirst on the Day of Judgment. Guard your tongue against unworthy words and your ears from sounds that should not be heard. Do raise your hands at the time of prayer, as this is the best time for asking Allah for His mercy.

O people! Your back is breaking under the heavy load of your sins so prostrate yourself before Him for long intervals and make it lighter.

Anyone who treats others well during this month, Allah will send His mercy on him on the Day of Judgment, and anyone who mistreats others in this month, Allah will keep him away from His mercy.

O people! The gates of Paradise remain open in this month, do pray that the gates may not be closed on you, while the gates of Hell are closed ,do pray to Allah that these gates may never be opened

O my Brother or Sister in Islaam,

The month of Ramadan is a feast for the faith …not of noise, but silence; not of banquets but restraint; not of forgetfulness but remembrance. May it be a month of teaching where gift wins over avarice, generosity over selfishness, love over hatred.

God willing Ramadan is likely to begin on August 11, 2010 and end on September 8, 2010 for most places .May Be it a month where everyone tries to master one’s anger: the Prophet, SAW advised one to respond to adversity during these days of meditation: I am fasting ……and to pass over .Be it a month where everyone of us cares more than usual for the needy people in her /his nearest environment.