
Rebuilding Ghana through reconnection with God

Mon, 14 Feb 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, Feb. 14, GNA - The Christian faith is God's chosen vehicle through which the 91broken walls of Ghana' would be rebuilt, Pastor Enoc= h Immanuel Agbozo, leader of the Ghana Evangelical Society (GES) has announced.

Speaking about his ministry in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Accra at the weekend, Pastor Agbozo explained why it was important for Ghanaians to put the Church back in its rightful place by making it the centre of their existence.

"Righteousness exalts a nation but you cannot build a righteous nati= on without righteous people. It is precisely for this reason that the Lord has placed the Ghana Evangelical Society in the nation's scheme of affairs"= he said. Pastor Agbozo indicated that the Lord was using the GES to bring revival to the Ministry of Christ and the Church, emphasizing that the rebuilding of the Kingdom of God and the nation of God (Ghana) constituted the vision of the GES. He said the pursuit of the objective of Church unity was his primary focus. 93It means bringing together Christ, the Christian Faith and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the worship and service of God." The lost glory of man and that of Ghana can only be regained through restoration and reconnection with God, he declared, adding that it would be important to begin the revival effort at the grassroots, with the youth in basic schools as main target.

Pastor Agbozo attributed the origin of his ministry to a vision he received from God, which led to the formation of the GES in 1973, and its formal launch in October 1977.

Drawing reference from scripture, he likened his own assignment to those of Haggai, Ezra and Nehemia in the Bible. Haggai was charged to rebuild the Lord's temple, whiles Nehemia's task was to rebuild the bro= ken walls of the city of Jericho.

Pastor Agbozo stated that most of the heads of the charismatic churche= s in the country today, once passed through his ministry and that currently h= e worked with all the churches in Ghana and beyond for the purpose of forging Church unity and bringing revival to the Ministry of Christ. "That is why it would be difficult for me to belong to one particula= r church", he said. 14 Feb. 11

Source: GNA