
Saboba Church of Christ supports elderly people

A group picture from the Benevolence Day celebration

Sat, 29 Jul 2023 Source: Jutta Tibe Kombian, Contributor

On Friday, July 28, 2023, The Church of Christ in Saboba as part of their annual

Day of Benevolence supported the elderly people in district including orphans, widows, and people of disabilities with food stuff to cushion them in the wake of the lean season.

The support forms part of the Church’s annual event of giving-out to various categories of people in the district. The Church has for the past years proved its existence in the district in various ways including propagating the word of God, provision of portable drinking water by sinking boreholes, providing educational materials to needy school children, provision of relief items to affected people and communities, support for conflict affected communities and medical support in the past years.

In a short speech delivered by Minister Niipaak Laar, he emphasized on the mandate of the Church in the community as a lead in transforming society through the Word of God and supporting the under privileged in the community. He cited the Holy Book of Mathew 25:35 “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in”.

In all, 70 people benefited from the benevolence of the Church at Saboba congregation. The recipients could not hide their joy as, they were remembered by the Church and prayed that God will continue to guide and protect every member of the Church. But the Minister told them to only be grateful and thankful to God Almighty who provided the resources for it to happen. He further told the recipients that, it was a sign and symbol of God’s love to humanity through Jesus our Lord.

Source: Jutta Tibe Kombian, Contributor