Prophet James Owusu, Founder of True Light Worship Centre
The vibrant nature of the Christian Ministry in Ghana can partly be attributed to the emergence of the 'Prophetic' Ministry and its widespread popularity which has not only resulted in the springing up of new churches and Christian fellowships across the country, but also attracted greater public scrutiny and criticisms of the conduct of some mission leaders.
In the light of this, the Founder of True Light Worship Centre, Prophet James Owusu, has advised young people in Christian ministry to endeavour to seek guidance from more experienced Men of God to enable them get a better understanding about the ministry and its practices.
In an interview with Lord Kweku Sekyi, Prophet Owusu, explained that mentorship forms a crucial part in Christian ministry as it helps to shape the character of Prophets as well as guiding them to make a greater impact in their quest to spread the message of God to mankind.
"When a prophet does his work very well, he can become a board member in any organisation and play a pivotal role to make it successful," he noted.
He said the foundation of the Prophetic Ministry can be found in the Holy Bible, and called on Christians not to doubt the scriptures based on the conduct of some ministers.
According to Prophet Owusu, "Christians must be students of the word, because it is only when you are able to build your faith and knowledge of the scriptures to a higher level that you can discern whether a particular minister is fake or not."
He advised Christians to focus on eternal glory and not temporary results as written in II Corinthians 4:16 -18.
He further called on Christian ministers to work on their characters: "when you receive the call, it is better to seek mentorship instead of proceeding without guidance and going for titles."
He said, the ability to submit to an elder for mentorship is a sign of humility and willingness to learn and equip one's self for a greater task, which is winning souls for Christ.