
Sharia and Jinn-related Abuses in Muslim Communities

Mon, 20 Oct 2014 Source: Igwe, Leo

Leo Igwe

If you think that abuses related to spirit possession take place only in christian or animist communities, then you need to think again. If you are one of those who believe that exorcism is exclusively a christian practice, then you are damn wrong. Exorcism is an islamic business too. Exorcism related abuses happen in muslim countries. In fact the abuses in muslim communities are sometimes backed by sharia law. According to a recent BBC report, a sharia court in Dubai has awarded a divorce to a man on the ground that the wife was 'possessed' by genies(Arabic- jinns). Possessed by jinns? In this 21st century? Yes that is a 21st century sharia ruling in Dubai.

The belief in jinns is rooted in Arabic mythology. But muslims who profess belief in jinns do not think jinns as mythical beings. They believe jinns are real – real in their being, real in their possession and real in the consequences of such possession. Muslims believe jinns are spirits that ''are able to take human and animal forms and to exercise supernatural influence over humans''. To many muslims in West and Central Africa, belief in jinn possession serves the same magical function as the belief in witchcraft or the belief in evil spirits or demons. In fact they think that witchcraft is 'jinn-craft'.

According to the Dubai case, when the man noticed that the wife was possessed by jinns, he contracted some 'religious scholars' who tried to exorcise the jinns without success. He then filed for divorce in a sharia court.

It is not clear how the 'scholars' conducted the exorcism or how the sharia court confirmed that the woman was possessed by jinns. I mean what evidence was tendered to prove that the woman was possessed? How did a sharia court establish a case of jinns possession beyond reasonable doubt?. Pardon me, 'beyond reasonable doubt' may not apply in this case. Anyway, the sharia court went ahead and ruled that the marriage was a fraud and dissolved it. However the court asked the man to pay the ex-wife some alimony for her maintenance. But the alimony was cancelled following an appeal. Accusations of jinn possession are weapons for social control. Like honour killing, abuses related to jinn possession target women- and women only. I have yet to see a case of jinn possession that was brought against a man. Females are always the victims, and males the victimisers.

This case once again testifies to the patriarchal character of sharia jurisprudence and the islamic faith as a whole. It underscores the need for an islamic reformation and renewal. Sharia law is a legal system based on Arabic myths and misconceptions and the legal reasoning of people who lived over a millennia ago. Muslims believe sharia is a divine, not a human law. Due to this misconception, they think that sharia law cannot be revised and sharia provisions that are incompatible with reason, science and human rights cannot be removed. But in fact outdated sections of sharia law that are used to legitimize absurd and irrational beliefs like idea of jinn possession should be removed and must be removed.

In the mean time, this ruling by a sharia court in Dubai is likely to reinforce the notion of jinn and fuel accusations of jinn possession in muslim communities. All those who are campaigning against abuses related to spirit possession should be vigilant. They should try and extend their work to muslim communities and ensure that this harmful religious practice stops, whether sharia sanctions it or not.

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Source: Igwe, Leo