
Some prayer camps are demonic abodes - Pastor

Wed, 5 Jun 2013 Source: GNA

Pastor Paul Adu Agyei, Abesim District Pastor of the Deeper Life Bible Church, has warned Christians against seeking earthly comforts and “deliverances” at some prayer camps.

He said many of the prayer camps have become abodes for demons inspired by Satan to drive more souls to hell.

Preaching at a revival service, Pastor Agyei said Satan was behind the proliferation of many of the prayer camps and hence the source of miracles that take place there.

He said because many Christians had become discerning and aware of most of the strategies of the devil, Satan and his cohorts were using miracles, signs and wonders to divert the attention of believers and sway their minds from God and his simple commandments.

Pastor Agyei said the way and manner some Christians left their churches to seek “deliverance” at prayer camps instead of engaging in personal and corporate prayers was an indication that most of them “are ignorant of the device being employed by the enemy”.

“The irony of the matter is that most Christians seeking deliverances at some of these prayer camps rather added more sorrows to their pains in the long run,” he said.

Pastor Agyei said with purity and holiness in heart, supernatural miracles would always characterize the life of genuine Christians saying “if any Christian relies on God and lives a holy life, extraordinary miracles will follow him or her”.

The Abesim District Pastor expressed concern about apathy and laziness to prayer exhibited by most Christians, stressing that, without persistent prayer, it was impossible to receive any favour from God.

Pastor Agyei emphasised that prayer was the only weapon Christians could rely on, and entreated those whose prayer life had gradually waned to pray for God to restore to them their true spiritual weapon.

Source: GNA