
Spiritan University College gets new Rector

Wed, 7 Sep 2011 Source: GNA

Ejisu (Ash), Sept 7, GNA - The Reverend Father Jackson Ato Donkoh, has been inducted into office as the Rector of the Spiritan University College, Ejisu, one of the university colleges run by the Catholic Church.

Until his appointment, he was the Registrar of the College. He takes over from the Very Rev Father George Boakye Danquah, who is now pursuing further studies in Senegal. S peaking at the induction ceremony, Most Rev Peter Kwasi Sarpong, Emeritus Metropolitan Catholic Archbishop of Kumasi and the Chancellor, said it was important for the universities to focus on the totality of the development of students.

He noted that all human beings are endowed with certain potentials and said these are what the universities must help to discover in their students to make them more useful to society.

He advised the Rector 93to be a master who listens and allows the Holy Spirit to direct all his activities."

He should be humble and hard working to enhance the quality of the College's products.

Rev Father Donkoh said he was grateful to both the Governing Council and the Chancellor for his appointment and pledged to work with zeal and commitment to make the institution one of the best private universities in the country.

Source: GNA