
Stop exalting your pastors; you’re the reason they are proud – Rev Whitcomb

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Sun, 18 Aug 2019 Source:

“Any prophet who speaks, his word must come to pass or you must reject him, if he prophesies that the Black Stars will win the cup and we loses in the group stage, he’s a false prophet. If he prophesies that Mahama will win the election and he loses, he’s a false prophet. If he prophesies that a first lady will die and it doesn’t happen he is a false prophet. I’m not insulting anybody, I’m telling the word of God. If you don’t like it go and argue with Jesus.”

These are the words of Founder and Senior Pastor of Agape House New Testament Church, Reverend Dr. Richard C. Whitcomb.

Citing Deuteronomy 18:22 which says a prophet’s prophecies will be validated if they come to pass, he noted how that some ‘so called prophets’ have disgraced their ministries by giving false prophecies. He was emphatic about them repenting, fasting and praying for forgiveness moving forward.

“You cannot stand and say thou saith the lord and it doesn’t happen, you have disgraced your ministry, you should go and repent with fasting and prayers. Get out of the ministry and go and seek God. Don’t give me this rubbish, well it will happen unless we pray.”

Rev Whitcomb made these comments during his Saturday sermon July 17th 2019. He therefore cautioned Christians in Ghana to stop exalting their pastors but rather exalt Jesus. Church members, he insists, through the ‘worship’ of their leaders, has made them exceedingly proud and arrogant.

The senior pastor at Agape warned Ghanaians to be circumspect and watch out for false prophets who may try to deceive them even using devilish forces and satanic powers.

“Sometimes God allows false prophet to get their prediction correct to test whether you’re more interested in the miracle in you’re more interested in God. Just because a person can see into the spirit world doesn’t mean the person is sent from Jesus. The devil sees the spirit world. The devil and the demons sees more than you or I. the reason he can tell you where your mobile phone is because he stole it. The reason he can tell you, who in your village cursed your child, is because he’s the one who prompted them to curse your child. When we hear accurate prophesies from unholy men, God says you must discern and decide.”

He added that exalting pastors is wrong because pastors take advantage of their insecurities to exploit the vulnerable at church.

“Stop exalting your pastors and start exalting Jesus. The fact is that fake pastors want you to be dependent on them because if you’re dependent on them, he knows he can get your money. He is not a man of God, he is a man of greed. But our dependent must be on God.

In our churches today, we believe the essence of prophesy is for me to know who cursed my family. We believe the essence of prophesy is to reveal the witches and wizard in our churches today. Men of God thinks the essence of prophesy is to make them famous but I am here to declare to you that the essence of prophecy is to lift up Jesus and any prophet.”

Rev. Whitcomb also stated that some pastors have developed so much pride, demanding Christians to worship them instead of God.

“The pride in our pastors is too much and our members are worshipping pastors. Don’t you dare touch my shoes, I rebuke you. Don’t you dare kneel down at my feet, I rebuke it in Jesus name. You want me to become proud? You don’t need to bring money when I’m preaching, I’m not preaching because of money, I had money before I came and I don’t need your money now as I’m preaching. Who are your exalting? If you want to give money, give money to the orphans at Agape Children’s Home, give money to evangelism to drill wells. We need to lift up the name of Jesus because the fact is any man of God, and I mean no disrespect, the greatest men of God in this country, in an instant God can take the anointing off,” He said.

Meanwhile, Founder and leader of the Glorious Word Power Ministry International, Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah, has in previous times, has been accused of predicting victory for the Black Stars in the 2019 African Cup of Nations, which allegations he however denied ever making.

Another prophet known for prophecies, Prophet Nigel Gaisie, founder and leader of True Word Fire Prophetic Ministry made prophecies at the beginning of the 2018, to the effect that Ghanaians must pray or risk losing an important female political figure before the end of 2018, a prophecy which never realized.
