
TB Joshua admits his anointed water is pointless

Fri, 24 May 2013 Source: Joseph Peter

It is clear that the writers of TB Joshua Watch either don’t understand the teachings of T.B. Joshua or they’re just simply trying to deceive people.

Their post reads like this:

On Saturday the 18th May, in an act of astonishing honesty, TB Joshua admitted that his anointed water is in fact, nothing more than water! All he is providing is water, and not even enough to drink at that! It is God providing the anointing.

If the anointing comes from God, what is the purpose of collecting the water from TB Joshua? Why not just turn on your tap? Unless you believe TB Joshua is a mediator between you and God (i.e. a false christ), I’m sure you can agree with us that these little packages of plain water are utterly pointless! Any Emmanuel TV viewer will tell you that Prophet T.B. Joshua constantly says, “I am not the Healer; Jesus is the Healer. It is not the Anointing Water that heals, blesses, and delivers but God Himself since the Anointing is done in Jesus’ Name.” So, during the Saturday service of May 18th, the man of God was basically saying the same thing, just in a different way. He said, “The Heavenly Father is giving you Anointing; I give you water.” The writers of TB Joshua Watch ask the questions, “If the anointing comes from God, what is the purpose of collecting the water from TB Joshua? Why not just turn on your tap?” To answer these questions we need to first understand something. Prophet T.B. Joshua is speaking as an anointed servant of God and anointed servants of God have no power of their own. It is simply the power of God working through them (Acts 3:12). The man T.B. Joshua has no power of his own to anoint water. It is simply the Spirit of God working through him that brings about the anointing, thus bringing about Anointing Water. This explains the purpose of collecting the Anointing Water from Prophet T.B. Joshua instead of just turning on your tap. Unless you happen to be an anointed servant of God, chances are that your tap water will remain tap water. On Emmanuel TV, there are countless testimonies of people that have been blessed, healed, and delivered through the medium of The Anointing Water. It just adds to the evidence that Jesus Christ is still alive and that He can use any foolish thing to confound the wise. He can use any medium to express Himself - even something as simple as water which has been blessed by an anointed man of God!

Source: Joseph Peter