
Tax commercial activities of churches – Boadi Nyamekye

Boadi Nyamekye Jilted Dr. Boadi Nyamekye

Fri, 18 May 2018 Source:

The founder of Maker’s House International Dr. Michael Boadi Nyamekye says commercial activities of churches must be taxed.

“The church is a not for profit organization and so the church cannot, as long as the company’s code says that companies limited by guarantee, not for profit organizations are non-taxable; there’s that indemnity to any company, anything registered as a not for profit organization.

“But if the church or any instrument of the church is used for merchandise then there should be the tax component or element that affects it. For instance if you buy oil and you sell the oil; if the oil is being sold in the pharmacy for GHC50 and it’s being sold in the church for GHC100, and the church says they have prayed over it and so they have added value to the oil, then the value-added component in there must be paid. I write books and I pay taxes on the books I write,” the UPSA lecturer told Bola Ray on Starr Chat.

The pilot turned pastor also said paying tithe is not a guarantee for heaven.

“Tithe has nothing to do with your eternal rest, you can tithe and go to hell, and you can tithe and make heaven. Tithing is not the visa or the entry permit to heaven or to paradise.

“So to me anything that does not carry the weight to land me in heaven I call them light matters and because they are too light they become very ethereal, they are things that will help whiles you are here.”

Dr. Nyamekye added that “when you read the Book of Revelations what gives people the license to get to heaven is that their clothes are sparkling, there are no dents and there are no sins in their garments and that is what will land you in Heaven.

“That is why Lazarus was poor and made heaven, Abraham was also rich and made heaven…it is your knowledge and how well you live.”
