
The new pope’s prophesied mission.

Thu, 4 Jul 2013 Source: joseph osei.

The new-flanged Pope Francis 1, from St Francis of Assisi, means reformer

of the church. This goes in line with a prophecy by one Prophet Micah, who

prophesied regarding all the Popes and indeed it all came to pass. He said

the 111th pope will resign and the 112th pope will bring a number of

reforms in the Catholic Church. These reforms include, decriminalize Rev

Fathers marriage and other things that is irreverent and not in line with

catholic teachings. According to the presage this 112th pope will be the

last pope and after him, there will be no pope.

You see the Correlation between the name of this pope and his mission in

the said prophesy?

Zealous Catholics will gust me over this piece, but am of the outlook that

this prophesy connote the end of the world in next to no time. I can make

out and sense that the world is positioning itself for anti-Christ.

A fanatical study I have made on this prophesy, be evidence for, and

indeed with happenings of this day will describe as a fool the one who will

bastardize this discovery

For deep analysis on the issue visit my blog and read more.

Source: joseph osei.