Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah, Founder of the Glorious Word Miracle Church
Founder of Glorious Word and Power Ministry International, Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah has expressed his disagreement with Rt. Rev. Dr. Nana Anyani Boadum over his assumption that the spiritual directions given by prophets connote witchcraft.
The founder and General Overseer of Jesus Generation Ministries on his comment on the call made by the Evangelical Presbyterian Moderator that churches must pay tax averred that it is wrong to tax churches which have deviated from core functions of propagating the Gospel and following the teachings of Christ.
He stressed that “Prophets have been giving certain spiritual directions to members which are purely witchcraft as they can ask their members to burn images of people they want to receive favour from.”
He added that it is inappropriate for church members to spend their entire working days at church instead of looking for jobs.
Responding to the issue on the same Okay FM’s 'Ade Akye Abia' Morning Show platform, Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah averred that inasmuch as he agrees with Anyani Boadum on some of his submissions, he also disagrees with a number of issues he has raised.
“I have a lot of respect for Anyani Boadum but I disagree with some of the things he said, and with others he has raised, I support him.”
“I heard him saying some people spend the entire day in church without working. But with regard to the day of worshipping God, man designed it that we worship and fellowship on Sundays; in Dubai, Fridays are set aside for worshipping and Sundays are busy days for business,” he averred.
He agreed that some prophets extort money from their members to the extent where some spiritual directions lead them to death.
But he insisted that it is wrong to interpret certain spiritual directions with book knowledge, quoting that when Jesus Christ mixed saliva with sand to restore the sight of a blind man, it defied all scientific understandings.
He reminded that things have changed as in the olden days, Priests and Prophets were easily identified by their cassocks, but now every man of God wear suit to preach.
He urged not to condemn all prophets as evil, as there are some pastors who promise people Visa but squander their money.
“They don’t return the monies or the Visas to their owners and there are pastors who are highly respected in the country and not prophets,” he said.
“We should not paint it to look like the clergymen take money from their members and squander because the tithes are used to pay pastors and the offering are used to pay bills and the welfare of the church. Pastors and Prophets don’t engage in buying and selling in the market; they are full time men of God who regularly pay bills to keep the church running.”
“It is wrong to assume that pastors and prophets who drive in big cars duped their church members to buy them because most of the cars these clergymen drive around are gifts from some of people in the country. We travel abroad to preach and we receive blessings,” he stated.