
Why I am an atheist -part 1

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  • oyibaba 10 years ago

    Whether we want to believe it or not, all human beings are either servants (slaves) of God by choice or servants of the devil by default.

    Question: Do you know what would have happened to our world if Jesus had not come?
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  • Kweku 10 years ago

    I think the interesting part of Ros Lyn's article is at the beginning. As Christian myself, I sometimes ask that are we Christians by the moulding of our environment or something else? Thus, would we many Ghanaian Christians ...
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  • Linda 10 years ago

    Why do some people try so hard to convince themselves there's no God & that, human beings just came about without a creator? Mr. Atheist, have you ever seen a house without a builder or even the computer you browse upon, did ...
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  • LOL 10 years ago

    2 ...
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  • G. Ato 10 years ago

    What infuriates me about religious pple in Ghana is the damn arrogance! pretending that only them have the right way. We are so ready to discard are own religious beleifs and worship some white man b'cos white pple came to Gh ...
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  • Kululu 10 years ago

    Atheist are good people and practical in their approach to facts of life. Their sympathy for a peaceful and a free world, devoid of misfortunes and calamities takes them only to the doors of frustration in their inability to ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Where did you learn all that you know about God?

  • Yaw 10 years ago

    Atheism is the most ridiculous belief system out there today for the simple fact that they bash religious people for believing in a God without evidence of his existence. Yet, they believe there is no God while they have no e ...
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  • roslyn 10 years ago

    atheism is a non -belief and so you might want to research more about that before you talk about something. We do not follow doctrines or teachings. we follow logical reasoning and evidence-based thinking not faith. we dont m ...
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  • roslyn 10 years ago

    You are right on a lot of things but the part about spirituality mind you is still not justified because there is no evidence of it

  • charlie 10 years ago


  • roslyn 10 years ago

    Thank you

  • atheist 10 years ago

    A lot of people misunderstand atheism. We cannot prove the existence or inexistence of god(s). There may be a creator(s). However, there is no evidence to suggest that any human's idea of god (Yahweh, Allah, Vishnu) actu ...
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  • Dr Kwame Ankrah UK 10 years ago

    Great article for debate, however it is impossible to have a serious LOGICAL discussions with people of FAITH & BELIEF. FAITH/BELIEF, is defined as the acceptance of propositions WITHOUT EVIDENCE. Religious folk of all persua ...
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  • EZEKIEL 10 years ago

    This IS a circular argument!Who then created the INTELLIGENT CREATOR ??

  • koo Nimo 10 years ago

    The creator was not created. He is a spirit and not flesh. It is difficult for we as humans to understand everything about the spiritual realm 'cos the mind is limited in spiritual capacity to define the spiritual world. Spir ...
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  • roslyn 10 years ago

    so how do you know all this? how do you understand it and the rest of the world doesnt? please prove it to us

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    based on your premise who created the creator?If there is evidence of a creator at all.

  • Bagre 10 years ago

    From your comment I understand why atheists are smarter than religious folks. Religion is for the dumb,stupid and poor. poor people cling to religion to help them live their lives whilst atheist strive to make life what they ...
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  • Akos 10 years ago

    Religion are for dumb stupid people? You've proven how atheist cannot have a constructive debate without resorting into insult.

  • roslyn 10 years ago

    Linda the burden of proof lies on the religious not the atheists. the question is why are religious people trying so hard to convince us there is a God without evidence? like i said in my article, scientists have come across ...
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  • DEFINE YOUR GOD AND MINE 10 years ago


  • Brain 10 years ago

    Pls if what you are saying is anything to go by, who then brought about that intelligent creator you are talking about.

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    There evidece of whatever existed before the big bang was destroyed by the big bang.Science does not have all the answers to lifes questions it simply follows where the evidence leads.

  • GEE 10 years ago

    Good article. I have distance myself from religion for a long time due to enlightenment but I do go to church from time to time just to make the MADAM happy. I have become a realist and very practical in life. Africans are to ...
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  • roslyn 10 years ago

    Thank you for your questioning nature. Science helps to explain our environment and how things work based on the evidence available so the fact that we do not have an answer to something now doesn't mean there is no explanati ...
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  • Saint James 10 years ago


  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Don't narrow your thinking?you have the internet research

  • roslyn 10 years ago

    like i state, the big bang caused the earth's formation and alll other planets and spatial bodies to be set in motion. there is no evidence of anyone creating it. Do you have evidence of it? then enlighten us

  • Freethinker 10 years ago

    ITS NO USE ARGUING WITH RELIGIOUS FANATICS.god uses 3 days to mould earth and just a day to create galaxies and stars??? lol

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    There are so many religions in the world,thank you for telling us your version,Guess what 99percent of the other religions do not agreew with you,silly to think you are right because you simply believe so

  • roslyn 10 years ago

    atheism is not a religion it is non belief and also 99% of the religious people are less than the number of people in the world today who will agree with me including scientists.

  • FACT 10 years ago

    2.WHY D ...
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  • Readi 2 dye 10 years ago

    But to say there is no god makes no sense...there is no difference between the self and the energy we call god,allah,yaweh,elohim,force,....stay tuned

  • readwide 10 years ago

    you clearly dont know history,different civilizations had different gods,you cant say they are all one and the same these dieties had different personalities and served different purposes.creating of gods is mans oldest craft ...
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  • roslyn 10 years ago

    neither does it make sense to say there is god without evidnece

  • roslyn 10 years ago

    Oyibaba, like all other living things, people live and die whether you 'sin' or not. like i said in my article, Our planet, Earth ,was formed about 4.54 billion years ago. The earliest life on Earth existed at least 3.5 billi ...
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  • charlie 10 years ago

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  • oyibaba 10 years ago

    ... a sheer humanist sophistry!

    Define atheist without using the name of God.

    Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth ...
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  • Linda 10 years ago

    It's only a fool who says in his heart there's no God. The bible writers Job and Isaiah knew the earth was round and hangs upon nothing. How did they know this facts? For thousands of years, many scientist believe the earth w ...
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  • Don Blunt 10 years ago

    I thought it was the Roman Catholic Church that wanted us to believe the earth was flat, and people who meant otherwise were hunted by the Church

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Isaiah 11:12 "And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth."
    Revelation 7:1 "And after these things I ...
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  • oyibaba 10 years ago

    Longjohn, by context the four corners of the earth means the compass direction of the earth (north, south, east and west), and not the shape of the earth.

    Remember it is the prophet's mind which was inspired, not his choic ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    .........Fundamentalists love to quote the first part of Isaiah 40:22 where it reads, “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth…” as proof that the Bible advocates a spherical Earth. The full verse, however, read ...
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  • Bagre 10 years ago

    It is only a fool who says there is god. The church actually thought that the earth is flat and went to great extent to kill and torture anyone who thought otherwise to make people believe in a flat earth. Great thinkers like ...
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  • atheist 10 years ago

    The fool says in his heart that there is no god; the wise man says it out loud.

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Wise people think with their brains not their heart,people who make let their heart do the thinking for them often end up being deceived.I will rather accept the evidence than believe in blind faith.If there is God the eviden ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Mark Zukerberg,Richard Dawkings,Bill Gates,Paul Allen,Warren Buffet etc I could go on and on

  • Antiochus - London 10 years ago

    If you are an atheist so what? Who wants to know? That's your choice so keep it to yourself.

  • Pastor Dee 10 years ago

    You believe in Science and the Big Bang? Sorry you cannot have it both ways since they contradict each other.

    Science talks about laws, fact, patterns and principles. The laws of Physics, the laws of nature. In effects sci ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    The evidence of the big bang can be observed its not a matter of believe its a matter of knowledge.The big bang is the best model to describe the birth of our universe and why its still expanding.The is no God in the equation ...
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  • Pastor Dee 10 years ago

    The 'Birth of the universe'? When and how long was the conception of the universe? Is this also part of 'the laws of Physics? Finally, has the 'big bang' any brains at all? Finally, who is the author of the 'big bang'? Why is ...
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  • readwide 10 years ago

    the problem is your ignorance about the topic read more and research find out the evidence in support and the problems then compare

  • Toyib 10 years ago

    Atheist Ros, you referred to somethings as 'natural', what does that mean? your article doesn't make sense at all, the reasons you proffer are psychotic at best. I watch those channels a lot on DSTv, especially discovery, as ...
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  • AKWASI FIRE KUMAWU 10 years ago

    Mr Atheist why bother people with your private issue? Is it important to bring your UNNEEDED ideals to the püblic? OUR GOD save you. Next time think and write. Go to SENCHI and help JM MAHAMAH and NDC

  • atheist 10 years ago

    Christians and Muslims don't keep their unneeded ideas from the public; why should atheists?

    We have every right to broadcast our lack of belief like anyone else.

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Thank You no one ruins peaceful day with noise making like chritians and moslems

  • atheist 10 years ago

    Maybe I should go on one of the buses and start preaching atheism to the passengers.

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Can one sense when the brain dies?

  • Maxi A 10 years ago

    The Atheist build on what God created

    Let Prof Hawkins heal himself through science

    Good lick

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Can you imagine the number of atheists who will be chritians overnight if God can heal prof Hawkings?God has everything to win,lets see him do that

  • Pastor Dee 10 years ago

    You think the Almighty God needs to proof anything to your idol prof Hawkings who cannot even predict his own future. God does not need prof Hawkings. It is rather the other way round.

  • HON. SAM 10 years ago

    What is science?

    Simply put,it is the study and application of natural laws.Now ask yourself:how did those natural law come about?

    You wrote,"Our planet, Earth ,was formed about 4.54 billion years ago"

    You see,scient ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    The knowledge in our ignorance doesnt mean God did it,it simply means we dont know yet.The more we know the smaller God gets.Can you imagine the countless explanations that were credited to God in the past rainfall,thunder,li ...
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  • Pastor Dee 10 years ago

    Well done for admitting your ignorance. You ignorance doesn't disprove the hand of the supreme being that maintain and hold together the laws of physics, science and nature. It should in all fairness advance that God theory, ...
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  • Joe 10 years ago

    Mr. Atheist,
    Please call me and I will show you how experience GOD deeply! God is very real and do not joke with your life on this earth by becoming an atheist.
    God will speak to you clearly""

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Same way alot of things come alive in the head of the weed smoker,God becomes realin the mind of those under the influence of the opium called religion.

  • Pastor Dee 10 years ago

    Indeed the very 'opium' without which the scientific argument breaks down.

    It does not make sense to claim that there are laws governing this universe which 'just happened'. Please can we rise above these childish way of t ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    First you have you rise above the argument from ignorance.Got made the laws the evidence will speak for itself.

  • Angel 10 years ago

    Atheists are just noise makers, they've turn into a giant rant against religion, especially, Christianity. Ask any of them to explain how the big bang theory sprung about and they'll have no answers to that question.

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    wanna know about the big bang,why not research?dont be lazy use your brains.Its ironic you call atheists noise makers yet guess who uses loudspeakes,megaphones,microphones etc to disturb our sleep and piece of mind all the ti ...
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  • Ekow London 10 years ago

    A very thought-provoking article and you have done well to put this view out there.These are issues that should be discussed and not bottled up.I refer you and others to this book: STOLEN LEGACY by GEORGE G.M JAMES,which expl ...
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  • Ghetto Gospel 10 years ago

    WE ARE TIRED OF THE GOD THIS,JESUS,THAT,ALLAH THIS,MOHAMMED THAT.we need a new way of reasoning we need more of such articles that challenge our core belief systems.Man mus question everything.

  • Keke 10 years ago

    Humanist association of Ghana? Lyn, you're a loss soul, don't try promoting your atheism on this forum

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    If Christianity and islam gets lots of love here why cant atheism.The nice thing about being an atheists is we are lost souls in every religion.You Keke are a lost soul in judaism,islam,hinduism and anyother religion you dism ...
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  • Pastor Dee 10 years ago

    Jesus commanded the elements and the obeyed Him...both on land and at sea..

    He defied the laws of gravity and turned science inside out...You have no control over what will happen to you tonight or tomorrow. Do you?

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    There are countless works of fiction where the protagonist does amazing things.You can give a character any magical powers you will in a book but reality is different.The bible stories are nothing but gross exaggerations,myth ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    You made mention of biologists, archaeologists, zoologists, biochemists, cosmologists, and physicists, having come a long way in answering questions about the origin of life, contradicting all religious explanations.Since Dar ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    A lot of comments posted here seem to question the origin of God.Well,i think the best question should be,who made me?How did an intelligent being like me come into being?Where was this intelligent being before mummy pushed h ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Man made God to answer the questions he had no answers to.He is just a gateway to ignorance.What science does not know today,might be answered tomorrow.There are so many things we had no idea of 100 years ago that we know tod ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    You said in your statement comment that 'what science does not know might be answered tomorrow.' Humans have been yawning for millions of years yet science can't explain why yawning is contagious.Science accepts the placebo e ...
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  • totful 10 years ago

    Georges Lemaître first proposed what became the Big Bang theory in 1927.......its not darwin.Two there is observable evidence for the big bang and none for Gensis 1.1...which is not science but a creation myth of the jews st ...
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  • Sarskoberta 10 years ago

    "I would rather believe in God now than die and find out he exist"

    Interesting. You have died. OOPS!, you are dead. You do no longer exist.

    How do you find out God did exist?.
    How are you going to determine the exist ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    You see there's nothing in the earth that could change my conviction of God's existence.Absolutely nothing!! What is the point of life if we are just here to have babies,work,study,form relationships and die?Where's that my t ...
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  • totful 10 years ago

    hold on to the wishful thinking,there is no consciousness beyond the grave we like all organism on earth are here to make the best of our earth time.cease it.........islam is not a religion its a relation with allah,buddhism ...
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  • totful 10 years ago

    civilizations have existed before 1000s of years before christianity and they will long after its dead.christianity is just like another religion seeking to find the meaning of life.People have lived centuries without it and ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    Christianity won't die and it isn't looking to find the meaning to life.Christ is life.We don't worship a dead God.We fellowship with Him.He speaks to us and we hear Him.Now that might sound delusional to you but we know Whom ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    SHould there be a war between Africa and Americai dont see how Africa is ever going to win,the Americans are scientifically superior and have in their possession weapons that can wipe all life on the african continent.I dont ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    There's a lot of info on google about how the world was formed including Genesis 1:1.I guess there's no argument here Mr.Believe your science.I choose to believe the Bible.You claim you haven't read Darwin's book.So where did ...
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  • Asiwome 10 years ago

    I am still waiting for your answer to question number two. If you atheists are right that everything including morality has evolved we should be perfect moral beings. Nothing about nature has changed except speculations by pe ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    we are intelligent animals and that has shaped our choices this day.

  • Jw 10 years ago

    Dear Ros, I was once like you. I did biology at Secondary school and became a staunch supporter of evolution afterwards until I met a JEHOVAH witness. I studied the Bible with them and later realised I was wrong with my theor ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    I have read that book it presents an argument from ignorance from page 1 to the last page,it takes quotations from scientists and twists them to favor creationism.Its an epic fail if you know the bible and where its coming fr ...
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  • Motsotlante 10 years ago

    It does appear some of you find Ros Lyn's writing too hot to accept. The great mind is the one who questions things and using logic and science to arrive at conclusion. If you cannot question issues because that is what you a ...
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  • Jerry John Kuffour 10 years ago

    I am a christian. I attend church regularly and try to follow the teachings of the Bible, to the best of my abilities. I think Christians must be more open-minded. I constantly ask myself some of these questions, especially s ...
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  • joe bill 10 years ago

    No where in the Bible does it say babies should be baptised and young people should be confirmed.Jesus said 'unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of GOD(jn3:3).This transformation of your spirit is the work of ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    I dont see none of the miracles involving amputees,most them are imaginary and internal that can easily be faked.About books concerning hell there are hundreds of them sadly none of the are the same,if hell was real why are t ...
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  • ghanaba 10 years ago

    i hope boko men do not fall on your part one article before you are recruted by force. satan is not that smart, it is only in africa, we campaign both directly and indirectly for satan for free.elsewhere they always contrast ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    jesus said the wind blows but we dont know from which direction...... have you ever thought for a microsecond the source of the air you breath?>>>>>>>>your science is very bad you have to go basic to school....wth..windvance ...
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  • Imam Faisal 10 years ago

    No wonder a great scholar of Islam, Sheikh Faisal from Jamaca who once said "Christianity breeds atheism" his argument is that any logical persons like Mr Lyn would find it difficult to understand some concepts in Christianit ...
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  • Jerry 10 years ago

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  • Pelicles 10 years ago

    Imagine there is no God, who then is an atheist? After knowing how to strings some letter together and having some "degrees" making us look down on those who have not reached that level, it then that we expose how foolish we ...
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  • Don Blunt 10 years ago

    Sorry, I don' know what you are trying to tell us.

    Our so called "illiterate" fore-fathers were able to adapt, and live within their environment. We, today, with our so called education and intelligence, are destroying the ...
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  • Lawal 10 years ago

    these kinds of articles are satanic and are gieven prominence by satanic website such as ghanaweb

  • oshe 10 years ago

    This guy eyes are now opening. He is now thinking as a human. Let alone those who are not able to think for themselves. Ghanaians should wake up to think

  • Kojo Billy Duncan 10 years ago

    Most Africans are scared or refuse to think critically. They would rather swallow hook line and sinker whatever a crafty individual with exploitative tendencies throws at them.

  • K Ato 10 years ago

    This is one of the best articles on lifestyle that I’ve read on this forum for a while. We don’t need only a Part 2, but Parts 3, 4, 5 … to infinity.

    Ghanaians are failing to accept the fact that all religion are bas ...
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  • Kojo Billy Duncan 10 years ago

    Yes, indeed.

  • OWEN 10 years ago

    And the parable of those who disbelieve is as the parable of one who calls out to that which hears no more than a call and a cry; Deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they do not understand.

  • mm 10 years ago


  • Den 10 years ago

    Darwin, who spearheaded evolution also claimed that scientifically,negroes are inferior to caucasians.Should we accept that research too?Charles Darwin wrote books justifying racism and slavery.Is this the same guy who's tell ...
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  • Dickson 10 years ago

    Some of the Quran verses explain facts about Earth, humans, and other creatures.

    For example, there is an invitation for humans to fly, indicating the possibility of flying, more than 1428 years ago.**

    In Surat Al-Rah ...
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  • Yaw 10 years ago

    I think you don't believe the existence of God because you think you, but surprisingly you lack the knowledge of the existence of higher power. Am sure you also believe that there is no evil spirit. Your questions about the ...
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  • Mira Gamadi 10 years ago

    Opinions are like noses, everyone have got one…I think you made your point about the fact that God does not exist!!! But please don’t stop there; still keep reading because m ...
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  • Kwame Mensah Agyekum 10 years ago

    Why does the bible say that a fool says in heart that there is no God? The fact that you do not have a knowledge of something does not mean that it does not exist. If I say that there are no X/Gamma rays because I cannot see ...
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  • Love 10 years ago

    Kwame, don't waste your precious time trying to explain to atheist there's a God. I regret clicking on this article

  • Gemunis 10 years ago

    Wouldn't change anything. God exist regardless of your finding, or anyone's finding. He does not function at our level of of understanding.Even if the molecular structures involved in the universe did accumulate to the conver ...
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  • atheist 10 years ago

    If I say I believe that a flying pink pony is in the room, but that it does not function at a level of our understanding, how can you show me that it does not exist?

    The idea of an inaccessible god is pointless.

  • Kwame Mensah Agyekum 10 years ago

    He is very accessible. You must look for him using the right medium. He gave you a spirit for a reason.

  • atheist 10 years ago

    If you also have the right spirit, you will also see the pink pony.

  • Kwame Mensah Agyekum 10 years ago

    Therefore, I will not say that there is no pink pony (that will make me a fool). I will rather say that I am not sure if such a pony exists. The fact that I don't know that it exists doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. All I ...
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  • atheist 10 years ago

    Atheists are also agnostic. It is just that we have the opinion that god does not exist.

  • Kwame Mensah Agyekum 10 years ago

    Check the meaning of agnosticism. An agnostic says that "I do not know the truth value of a given hypothesis" It could be true or false. An atheist says the truth value of the statement "There is a God" is false. An agnostic ...
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  • Philosopher 10 years ago

    Another stupid adventurer, the fool has said there is no God! You began from the wrong premise, even the Faith you claimed to have "born" into was a fake, so obviously you began from the wrong Faith. I can understand the fr ...
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  • nana 10 years ago

    Kudos. May Allah Bless You

  • Aba 10 years ago

    Does your beliefs give you the right to insult non believers? It's unfortunate you have to insult others just because they are non believers of your wonder there is no peace among human beings...lets respect other ...
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  • kwabena Mosi 10 years ago

    Ros Lyn....pls understand that the bible is full of symbols..e world might ve lived for billions of yrs before the creation of Adam nd Eve. the seven days used by God for creating is figuratively! a day is like a thousand yrs ...
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  • Ghetto Gospel 10 years ago

    The Arabs and the west have rendered Africans mentality bankrupt with their backward religions,Now our brothers can no longer think on their feet>This is the reason why we are poor as a continent we cant think beyond the conf ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    I read it over and over again,there is so much i can relate to in this article.I'm glad am no longer a slave to religion.I cant wait for Part 2.Kudos Ros,Dont stop hold your head.

  • Pastor Dee 10 years ago

    You are anti God and that is slavery. It is bondage in the highest order to people and their empty ideas. You are living in denial.....and there is no meaning to life to you....

  • Aba 10 years ago

    I also can't wait for part 2. Please please don't insult a believer you can share your belief only and only if you respect the views of non believers...if nothing for a peaceful coexistence...we need peace on th ...
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  • Jerry Sodeman 10 years ago

    Dear Ros,
    I have never met you, but i can tell you why you are an atheist. It is because you are deceived and want to go your own way. You do not want to submit to God. I am a former science teacher who can tell you tha ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    WOW we have here a science teacher saying evolution is not science but a fable.My friend then you clearly do not know what science is.Go and learn science,cos evolution is a scientific fact.Wake up from the bronze age the rea ...
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  • atheist 10 years ago

    I'm happy that he is a former science teacher because he does not belong in the classroom.

  • Bagre 10 years ago

    I have met many "science teachers" who were quiet good but confused by their faith. I think you are one of those confused teachers! You have failed to make the distinction between your faith and science. Perhaps you have a po ...
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  • Abdul Karim, Abu Dhabi 10 years ago

    Hahaha, u r insane n astray period! Wat science has no prove about creation n nature, remembered scientists defined objects n elements n later redefined them to suit modernization of world, eg.gravity matter n atom. All this ...
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  • atheist 10 years ago

    I have read the entire Quran and it is low quality writing. Clearly it was written by men, just like the Bible.

  • Yaw 10 years ago

    Ros, you see, after reading your article, I immediately found an answer to your situation. And this is it, ever since you declared yourself an atheist, you have been having sleepless nights else you would not come out complai ...
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  • charlie 10 years ago

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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Fundamentalists love to quote the first part of Isaiah 40:22 where it reads, “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth…” as proof that the Bible advocates a spherical Earth. The full verse, however, reads as foll ...
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  • ME 10 years ago


  • longjohn 10 years ago

    if you cant stand the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.we are enlightened by this article.

  • Abdul 10 years ago

    Everything you have mentioned are already available questions asked by etheist, you never brought anything new to be answered. You can get answers to your questions and doubt online and in already available sources. Good luck ...
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  • Slow j 10 years ago

    Rose lyn,we have heard all your explanations for being an atheisti,but science has not been able to explain The Origin of the the matter,or the material which exploded to form our world and the other planets.God is real and ...
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  • totful 10 years ago

    how?find out how and dont attribute it to God

  • Life 10 years ago

    The wisdom of this world only leads to hell that you don't believe exist and thats what satan wants for he has trapped you and is leading you and all atheist to his place of abode hell. I pray the Lord Jesus have mercy on you ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Let Jesus have mercy on himself,who needs mercy from a dead man.I'm living he is not.

  • yaw owusu,boston university 10 years ago

    no wonder u come from the home of catholic and Anglican church.those churches confused and still confessing people. i don't blame u as an atheist.may God granted u a wisdom and open your eyes to see what am seeing right now.d ...
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  • Ghanaba 10 years ago

    Who cares what you think.You wll have all eternity to regret your foolishness.

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    welcome to religion,where blind faith is rewarded yet the quest for knowledge,intelligentce and evidence is puunished.If that is a crime,then punish me.

  • edmond 10 years ago

    Christianity, like all religions, is a giant scam which was set up to rob the gullible and molest the innocent.

  • Gibby 10 years ago

    Let's try BIOMIMETICS.
    Decades of experimentation and study by scientist based on aweinspiring characteristics of living organism to invent very sophisticated machinery;

    Aircrafts - From bird motion

    Wing designs - Fro ...
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  • Gibby 10 years ago

    It is one thing not believing in religion and another thing not believing in the existence of God.
    Which one are you? Both?

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Why someone,why not a something or at best find out how.YOu start the whole thread with an assumption and that makes it bias.Lastly weve been studying the universe for awhile now and the evidence does not lead to any "Someone ...
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  • Gibby 10 years ago

    what evidence and where does it lead to?
    And how much do we know about the universe after studying it for a while?

    That by chance the earth happened to be in a precise habitable zone in our solar system, not a fraction cl ...
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  • readwide 10 years ago

    We know more about the universe than we did 100 years ago.The more might be little in comparison to the size of the universe but hey we have robots on mars,space stations and rockets at the edge of our solar system.Thats an a ...
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  • Gibby 10 years ago

    Assumption? sounds very familiar within the scientific world.
    We assume, we believe, what we think.

    And please, change your subject of "Argument from Ignorance". I know both sides of the coin - the scientific world and re ...
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  • APPM 10 years ago

    Thank you for this wonderful piece. Let me add this for the fixed moral code and unbending Christians:

    1. There are 7 billion people on earth

    2. 3 billion are from China, India and Japan who are not Christians--- Buddh ...
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  • Yaw 10 years ago

    Matthew 7:13-14

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    then atheists are the clear winners because we are considered the minority in every geographical region.

  • Kwajo Nyarko-Mensah 10 years ago

    If the theory of evolution with the BIG BANG as proposed by Charles Darwin has any merit at all, it is only an affirmation of the reorientating dynamics of a well designed order whose end is in the infinity as intentionally s ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    we live in a chaotic universe you clearly do not know about the turbulent history of earth and the extinctions its been through and more.looking at our solar system alone we have life on only one planet the rest are good as d ...
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  • gillie 10 years ago

    My friend I am a scientist myself and I will just edge you to read more on cancer biology and you would know that things don't just happen.

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    things just dont happen,yet every thing that happens has an explanation void of the supernatural.the supernatural is just a gateway to perpetual ignorance.once upon a time earthquakes,comets,volcanic eruptions and virtually e ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    Longjohn ask any scientist or consult your science books on why humans and animals yawn.You claim everything has an explanation.I guess you would say science would soon find out why.All the best in your quest for scientific e ...
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  • MDT 10 years ago

    Is there any difference between the interpretation of the universe by the Atheist and religious sycophants?

    To me the universe is an expression of intelligence beyond our imagination, that we perpetually stand in awe of i ...
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  • suleiman 10 years ago

    My first question to this atheist will be: "What is the definition of God?"

  • longjohn 10 years ago

    God makes different things to those who made it.One mans God is another mans god,it all depends on the religion you belong to.God is the most manipulated being in human history,its a tool for mass mind control.It serves those ...
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  • suleiman 10 years ago

    Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, bu ...
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  • JC 10 years ago

    So Mr. or Ms. Atheist, lets get down to finding knowledge. If I tell you that at a car factory in say Germany or USA or say Japan or even coming closer home, say South Africa, the car parts : tyres, body, paint, chassis, engi ...
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  • longjohn 10 years ago

    Your analogy is wrong,cars are artificial we know they are designed by man,the men who design them brand them so they can be identified.You cant say the same for the universe which is natural,please where in the universe is t ...
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  • Den 10 years ago

    Is the universe natural?is that what you were taught?things just happen right?All of a sudden there were hundreds of planets and only one could support human life right?Out of nothing,humans started springing up on one of man ...
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  • readwide 10 years ago

    I understand your problem its based on childish superstitions.I have Buddhist friends i have never seen any of them levitate when they chant and about juju i haven't seen any evidence for it either its all hearsay's and supe ...
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  • JC 10 years ago

    So also then was the Universe designed by some [super] natural being or God, or Zeus or Ra, or Yahweh, depending on what name you would give Him. The same way chemicals could not have created themselves and then form together ...
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  • readwide 10 years ago

    based on your premise there is no God,because God also couldnt have formed himself.

  • i dont have name 10 years ago

    there is no dopt that,there exist supernatural beings in the universe.but the problem is one super-Intelligent being controling everything in the world including Satan, at the same time allowing Satan to misleading people ,t ...
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  • Alhaji Louis, HAG 10 years ago

    The bashers, please go bed. There is no God. If any of you have evidence for any God, present it. Again, you do not, that's why you need that rubbish called faith.

  • mohammed 10 years ago

    Hopkin cannot stand up and does not able to explain why it is so. So I will not be wise to listen to him. As for the origin of species, Darwin himself admitted the pitfalls in his observations before his death and there numer ...
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  • readwide 10 years ago

    pitfalls only means there is yet a whole lot to learn on the issue,the more we learn the better our understanding becomes,today decades after darwin evolution and the proof of it has grown stronger

  • MAX WALLS 10 years ago

    However strong u feel about a subject of discussion, pls do not INSULT or use abusive language against the opposing view

  • Campus Ministry Report 10 years ago

    Ros, I have read your piece, and I admire your sincerity in your presentation.

    I will like to encourage you, by saying, you need to believe that the WORD of God is True.

    Studying the Bible is a painstaking thing. It is ...
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  • freethinker 10 years ago

    how does all that you're writing change anything? You have just confirmed the writers view that Christians do not want to have an open mind towards the orogins of the religion and then you tell them to read the same book bein ...
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  • Campus Ministry Report 10 years ago

    I referred to the Bible, again and again, because it points to the TRUTH.

    Christ HIMSELF who is the author of Life acknowledged the Truthfulness of the Scriptures, read from the passages, quoted from the inspired writings ...
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  • freethinker 10 years ago

    My Friend the Bible is not true,
    you choosing to believe in it doesn't mean its true. Thats why it is called faith otherwise there wouldn't be a different word in the dictionary for it.

  • Campus Ministry Report 10 years ago

    Yes, God has given us the free will, to choose to believe or not. The things(gifts) of God are free, but they are not cheap.

    Christ thanked the Father concerning the fact that this Truth is hidden from the worldly wise, bu ...
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  • freethinker 10 years ago

    My Boss, like i just said, all the things youre saying has not been proven. for now they just remain stories and so shall they remain until proff is found.
    Like I said. you choose to believe.
    You're saying it as if its a ...
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  • Campus Ministry Report 10 years ago

    The fact that you do not know the proof of the Pythagoras theorem does not mean it is not True. It is your responsibility to search for the proof. You can prove the theorem by the traditional Euclidean analytic geometry, or a ...
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  • charlie 10 years ago

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  • Campus Ministry Report 10 years ago

    It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not deceived by it.

    Did Satan not quote the Scriptures to tempt Jesus Christ? We live in a deceptive world with invisible beings who use, especially, human vessels to adva ...
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  • readwide 10 years ago

    weve read it all before it is infact the reason we became atheists.too many fairytales we became tired of the fairytales.

  • readwide 10 years ago

    The Jesus that you speak of is dead,perhaps there is a chance wed give credibility to the tales you are telling is if he was alive.Fix jesus' death issue and come back to us.

  • Osei 10 years ago

    FOOLISH ARTICLE.............REPENT!!!

  • readwide 10 years ago

    there is no repentance for those who are open minded enough to question everything.any religion that imprisons the mind is a fraud and a scam.

  • sakina 10 years ago

    i got to know you some years back and i know you are a good person. i cannot judge cos i myself am not righteous. i only hope you to find peace and happiness in the path you have chosen.

  • readwide 10 years ago

    there is peace and happiness in the quest to free ones mind from the shackles of mental and religious slavery.I am yet to meet anyone who took such a journey and yet regrets.

  • readwide 10 years ago

    knowledge leads to skeptism,religion is for the lazy thinker and the ignorant

  • Campus Ministry Report 10 years ago

    The Scriptures advises, too much reading is a weary to the soul. And when it comes to the writing of books, there is no end. The entire purpose of man is to fear God, and obey his commandment!

    The Scriptures, also cautions ...
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  • Fausty 10 years ago

    Bible says, For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,even His eternal power and Godhead,so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20-21. Pleas ...
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  • kwaku ba 10 years ago

    Actually, we know today that humans were not created supernatural being. We also know that the universe was not created in 6 days by a god. We know this. and this knowledge invalidates those claims in the bible. so we can in ...
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  • Campus Ministry Report 10 years ago

    I have corrected you over and over, again for over 2 years now.

    Indeed, 'Holy Things should not be given to dogs', says the Lord.

    Jesus thanked the Father that these things are hidden from the worldly wise, but made c ...
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  • MAAME K 10 years ago

    just a quick question for u Ros Lyn....who gives you the free air you breath always?do u attribute it to science?have you thought about how the breath of Human beings can be stopped within a second?and my last question why do ...
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  • Bed 8 years ago

    plz knowledge is not sold , u can read abt dis in a class 4 sciencebook

  • rich 8 years ago

    1.How can you proof the number of years life has been existence.
    2.why are they not specific but always estimating?
    3.Don't you feel fooled that huge figures are mentioned so that you cannot proove evolution in life time.
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