
St Anne Catholic Church elevated

Mon, 27 Jul 2015 Source: GNA

The St Anne Catholic Church in Teshie has been elevated to the status of St Anne and Joachim Parish.

The two saints are the grandparents of Jesus Christ who interceded for married couples and young families.

The ceremony, which was administered by Most Reverend Charles Gabriel Palmer Buckle, Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra, was on the theme: “We who had Sweet Fellowship Together Walk in the House of God in the Throng."

Archbishop Buckle explained that the ceremony had made the new parish holy and signified the visible signs of the mystery of Christ and His Church.

He urged the congregation to observe the ceremony as an important activity of the Church and always approached the throne of the altar with a clear heart for their prayers to be answered.

Archbishop Buckle asked Christians to desist from indecent dressing and other unworthy activities that mars the values and doctrines of the Catholic Church.

Source: GNA