
Akufo Addo Orders Ursula, Titus-Glover To Embarrass Ministerial Nominees

Tue, 22 Jan 2013 Source: The Informer

Intelligence Desk Report

Even before the Appointments Committee of Parliament starts vetting the President’s nominees for appointments as ministers tomorrow, the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has hatched some sinister moves to reduce the process to party politics.

Credible information reaching The Informer indicates that two of the NPP members on the committee have been ordered by the ‘ailing’ 2012 Presidential Candidate, William Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to ensure maximum embarrassment of the nominees.

The two members in question are Madam Ursula Owusu, the NPP Member of Parliament (MP) for Ablekuma West (shadow wife of Nana Addo) and Nii Kwartei Titus-Glover, MP for Tema East.

Our sources said, at a meeting held at the request of the “serial loser” Akufo Addo (venue withheld for now), Nana Addo told the meeting that it is becoming clear that many members of the NPP seem to agree with Dr. Charles Wereko-Brobby’s views that the NPP should abandon the various court actions (that of Nana Addo and some parliamentary candidates) and concentrate on getting ready for the 2016 elections.

It was after this point that Nana Akufo-Addo told the duo (Ursula and Titus-Glover) to ensure that they cause maximum embarrassment to the President’s Ministerial nominees.

He said they should also take advantage of the fact that the Chairman of the Appointments Committee, Hon. Barton-Oduro, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP for Cape Coast North” is new on the job and as well try to bully him”, an insider told this paper.

It was also agreed at the meeting that, serious allegations be raised against the Ministerial nominees for the public to hear which they can later withdraw if the Chairman of the Committee insists, the source added.

Before the meeting closed, Ursula and Titus-Glover promised to do their best.

It is as a result of the uncouth attitude of the above mentioned persons that The Informer is of the view that the General Public must have a say to those selected to serve on the Appointmenst Committee of the August House.

Whiles we crave your indulgence to stay tuned for further excerpts from this meeting.

We reproduce our last Friday’s story as to why Ursula and Titus-Glover should not be made to serve on the Appointments Committee.

Ah! Ah!! Ah!!!

Ursula Owusu & Titus Glover On Parliamentary Vetting Committee?

News Desk Report

There is a strong consensus-building that Ghana’s democracy may be gravitating towards the brink of farcical democracy and that consensus is really gaining grounds.

Indeed, it is the posturing of some State Institutions that is making consensus build in a certain direction.

One Institution that is popping up as a place that is fast gaining notoriety as a place that is accommodating jokers; is Parliament.

Parliament, which is a respected State Institution, is having its image dented via some of the below par personalities who have found themselves into the august House.

As if it is not enough to have a clown like Kennedy Agyepong in Parliament, the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has succeeded in adding two more clowns to its list of parliamentarians.

Without mincing words, Titus Nii Kwartei Glover, and bitchy Ursula Owusu, are the two additions to Parliament; and who are allowing consensus to build as regards Ghana’s democracy becoming an embarrassing one.

What mettle or strength of character does Ursula Owusu have to be on the Vetting Committee of Parliament?

What mettle does Titus Glover have to be on the vetting Committee of Parliament?

Why would Parliament debase itself by allowing off-colour minds and loose tongues like Titus Glover and Ursula Owusu to be on the Vetting Committee?

When it is clear that the brain cells of Ursula and Titus need to be vetted; they rather are going to vet the minds of persons who are sound than they are?

There should have been a system where the public would have a say in the persons who sit on that Vetting Committee.

Ursula Owusu has succeeded in cutting a very bad and stinking image for herself within the short time that she hit the frontline of Ghana’s politics.

For a person who is proud to refer to herself as the “Queen of the streets” (i.e. queen of prostitutes), it is sad that such a person will be allowed to be in the august house of Parliament.

For a person who does not care about flaunting her sexual relationship with Akufo-Addo in the open, how can she be a role model and have the capacity to vet other people?

For a person who can appear on TV in a T-shirt with “all die be die” inscribed on it, why should she be allowed to be amongst the persons to have the job of vetting Ministers of State? For a person who forgot all the kind things that President Atta Mills did for her (including helping her pass her law exams at Legon), and openly insulted the late President, why should such a person get the nod to be on such an important Committee?

Honestly, The Informer cannot believe that the people of Ablekuma West, would allow such a discredited and despicable character to be their representative in Parliament.

Maybe it is a case of “monkey no fine but him mother like am”.

As for Titus Glover, The Informer has no doubt that he will be a one-term parliamentarian. O yes; it would be one of the miracles of the world if a simpleton like Titus Glover gets the nod back to Parliament for a second term.

The very uncouth brigand has already started digging his own grave with his very loose talk as regards the inclusion of Justice William Atuguba on the panel of Supreme Court Judges to look into the NDC’s case of wanting to be joined in the matter of Akufo-Addo seeking the court to declare him winner of the 2012 election.

Still running his mouth like his former colleague NPP serial callers, the brigand does not seem to realise that Parliament is a well-respected Institution of State.

Of course, if his mentor is Kennedy Agyepong, why would Titus Glover not be working very hard to emulate the moronic attitude of his boss and mentor?

If Kennedy Agyepong continues to be in Parliament in spite of all his moronic ways and utterances, why would Titus Glover not believe that is the best way of becoming popular?

It is indeed very sad that after all the hard work that President Atta Mills did in order to refurbish Job 600, certain beastly and uncouth characters like Kennedy Agyepong, Ursula Owusu, and Titus Glover, will also be allowed to have offices there.

Maybe Professor Fiadzoe and the Constitutional Review Commission should have found a way of introducing a clause which would have made it mandatory to vet the brain power and ethical conduct of persons before allowing them to contest to become Parliamentarians.

Well, The Informer takes consolation in the fact that there are more sober minds on the Committee and so the uncouth conduct of Titus Glover as well as the bitchy behaviour of Ursula Owusu would not be countenanced.

As for the persons who will appear before the Committee, The Informer has no doubt that they would be fully prepared for any form of idiotic conduct from Ursula Owusu and Titus-Glover and answer them appropriately.

Democracy, they say is expensive; how true!

If we were not paying a high price for democracy, how can outright morons and congenital psychopaths also find their way to Parliament when they should be domiciled in mental homes?

Source: The Informer