
Driver, Mate and the "Holy" Ghost

Fri, 27 Oct 2006 Source: Jeeper Creeper@SIL

Accra, Oct. 27 (Jeeper Creeper@SIL) A "trotro" driver decided he was not going to pay insurance, daily tax, road worthyness and the little bribes to the police.

The only way he could operate in this manner was to work at night.

Yesterday this driver worked late into the night, because there were many passengers and around 12 midnight he saw that he had to sleep so he headed for home. A few yards from the Awudome cemetry his vehicle stalled and he realised he had run out of diesel.

Since the cemetry was just a few yards away, the thought of waiting alone in the vehicle whiles the mate went to buy diesel alarmed him so he picked up the 'gallon' himself to buy diesel.

The mate who was obviously afraid said "master let me buy the fuel afterall I do it all the time" but the driver refused and asked the mate to wait in the vehicle, with the gallon in one hand he had yet another problem, i.e. walking in front of the entrance to the cemetry to buy the fuel from the nearest gas station.

The driver paused for a while and decided to run instead of walking. Just as he took off the mate who thought the driver was running because he had seen a ghost also got down from the vehicle and started to run in the direction of the driver.

On hearing the footsteps of the mate behind him, the driver thought it was a ghost from the cemetry that was pursuing him, so he intensified the speed at which he was running.

This mate seeing driver intensify his speed thought things were getting bad so he also increased his speed, the driver who was older and pot bellied realised the "Ghost" pursuing him was catching up fast becos this mate was younger and cross country contestant in milo marathon, so he was stronger.

Soon the driver run out of energy and scared of the worst held up his arms and still running with difficulty shouted in Ga "ao ao ao yehowa , ba hele me eeeei!"

Soon he was soo fatigued, but the fear of the ghost behind him made him overwork himself and eventually he fell down and collapsed out of over exhaustion.

Now, the mate on seeing the driver fall, intensified his speed further because to him it was the ghost that had knocked down the driver, and he would be next.

The last time i checked the mate was still running, in case anyone sees him please hold him and shout there aint no ghost man stop running.

Have a nice weekend.

Source: Jeeper Creeper@SIL