
Kwabena Agyapong Sets Up Kufuor -Lens

Mon, 30 May 2005 Source: Lens

Deliberately Baits Mad. Yajzy to Damage President

A high ranking member of the ruling New Patriotic Party is convinced that Presidential Spokesman, Mr. Kwabena Agyei Agyapong, deliberately set the President up to be humiliated by Ms. Giselle Yajzy, the self-confessed onetime concubine of the President.

Speaking to The Lens on strict condition of anonymity, the high-ranking member expressed total disgust at the manner in which Kwabena Agyapong, with what he knows about the woman and the President, went attacking the woman, knowing very well that those attacks would only infuriate the woman to make further revelations.

?What was Kwabena Agyapong seeking to achieve? We can all see clearly that all he was doing was deliberately pushing the woman to come out with more revelations. Why would he do that when he knows that nothing the woman would reveal could be helpful to the President? I am convinced that Kwabena cleverly set the President up and he and his backers must really be happy that they have succeeded in getting the woman to publicly admit, for the first time, that she had an ?intimate relationship? with the President,? the highly infuriated Kufuor loyalist told The Lens.

Asked what is there for Kwabena Agyapong to gain from setting up the President to be humiliated, the high-ranking member replied, ?you would have to know the internal politics of the NPP to see what is going on. People want to use this regrettable incident to do as much damage to the President as they can in order to weaken his influence over the party so that his influence would not be too important in the choice of the next Presidential candidate for the party.?

?I can tell you that there are people who have not forgiven the President for asking that he should be made the founder and leader of the party. I have heard a few of these people say that they believe that the President wants to be made the founder and leader of the party in order that he could better influence the choice of the next Presidential candidate,? the high-ranking members said.

He continued, ?some of these persons are very close friends of Kwabena Agyapong, and almost all of them supported Nana Akuffo-Addo in 1998 against Mr. Kufuor. These people have apparently convinced themselves that the President intends to support the candidature of his brother, Dr. Addo-Kufuor, and they are apprehensive that the rank and file might just go along with the President?s choice, especially when the President is very popular and has the good-will and support of party faithfuls. So they are using this so-called Hotel Kufuor saga to do as much damage to the image of the President as possible so as weaken the goodwill and support he has in the party.?

?That is the agenda Kwabena Agyapong was cleverly pursuing when he pretended he was defending the President, when in reality he was only pushing the Giselle woman to come out with more revelations. I can?t understand him. This woman called you on Saturday and told you that she would no longer protect the President and that she was going to say all that she knows about the acquisition of the hotel, why push her to speak on matters unrelated to the hotel? The woman obviously would not have spoken about the fact that while she was staying at the La Palm Royal hotel she was given as many as nine bodyguards, she would not have had the need to talk about her intimate relationship with the President, just to prove her bona fides, if Kwabena had not cleverly drawn her out,? the highly placed NPP member said, his voice full of scorn and disgust.

Kwabena Agyapong thus deliberately provoked Miss Yajzy into revealing for the first time, that during her stay in Ghana she was housed at the plush La Palm Royal Hotel and that she had as many as nine bodyguards.

?If a visitor comes to Ghana would she be given nine bodyguards if she was not an important person to the President?? she asked.

Though on previous occasions she stoically refused to talk about the nature of her relationship with the President, on this occasion, apparently peeved at Kwabena Agyapong?s attempt to belittle her importance, she was quite emphatic that she had an intimate relationship with the President.

Source: Lens
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