Whether it is true that a fierce fight broke out between the million dollar syndicate man and the 40 million cedis per month man, a kind of son versus nephew-in-law fight, at the Big Man?s residence over an outstanding kickback payment of US$400,000 owed to the syndicate man and that it was good, old matrona Gari Kotoku who restored order and swore every witness of the incident to eternal secrecy and confidentiality?
Whether it is true that a fierce fight broke out between the million dollar syndicate man and the 40 million cedis per month man, a kind of son versus nephew-in-law fight, at the Big Man?s residence over an outstanding kickback payment of US$400,000 owed to the syndicate man and that it was good, old matrona Gari Kotoku who restored order and swore every witness of the incident to eternal secrecy and confidentiality?