
Parliament records 100% vote

Wed, 6 Jul 2005 Source: Metro News@SIL

For the 2nd time in 4 years, both the Ruling Party and Opposition Party in parliament agreed and voted unanimously to approve a loan of 「230,000,000 ($25,000) each for members to buy cars. The first time both parties agreed on an issue was in 2001 when members were giving $20,000 each.

Beneficiaries are expected to pay 「1.2m per month starting from August 2005 to December 2008, toward the recovery of the loan. This means that only 「34,800,000 equivalent of the interest accrued could be paid by the time they leave office. The Government would bear the difference.

A member who spoke on the issue said that he was happy for the loan since t will enable him to complete his house he started 3 years ago. Asked whether the amount was meant for the house, he said he cannot afford to use all the money on a car but would use about 「100m.

Source: Metro News@SIL