Ghana Famous People


Peter Otokunor

Peter Oto333
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Peter Boamah Otokunor, is an Agricultural Economist, a Economic Policy Expert, a Researcher and an astute politician who has played various roles in politics of Ghana.

He is currently a candidate for an Agricultural Economics PhD from the University of Ghana and holds a PhD in Finance from SMC University, a Master of Arts degree in Economic Policy Management and Bsc. degree in Agriculture from the University of Ghana – Legon.

His knowledge areas include Rural Development, Economic Policy Research, Scientific and Socio-political Research, Communications, Strategic Planning, Project Management, Policy Planning, Youth Development and Agriculture.

He has over 18 years working experience in various fields, including research, teaching, management, communications, publishing and youth development.

He is currently doubles as the Deputy Director of Research of the NDC and the Registrar for the Ghana Institute of Social Democracy (GISD).

He had recently worked as the Senior Researcher at the Communications Directorate (Office of the President) prior to being the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the National Youth Authority of Ghana.

He is the founding Registrar of the Ghana Institute Of Social Democracy (the NDC Party School) He has worked in various capacities and served on various committees of the National Democratic Congress including working as the Secretary to the following committees; 2016 NDC Manifesto Committee, the 2016 Campaign Sub-Committee on Research and Strategy, the Economics Committee, the Party School Working Committee, the Governing Council of GISD and other sub- committees.

He has also served as a member of various committees, teams and departments of the NDC, including his membership to the Elections Directorate, NDC Communication Team, Government Communication Team, and Forum for Setting the Record Straight.

He was the JCR President for Commonwealth Hall of the University of Ghana. He was nick-named Vandal Bola and was affectionately referred to as the ‘political Ronaldinho’ in his days on campus.

His operational and political exploits has earned him the accolade ‘Pawaful’ among working colleagues and friends.

He is currently aspiring to be the Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress hope for the come back of NDC in 2020 election