
A Draconian Law Verses Blood Thirsty Bomb Throwers-Part Two

Thu, 17 Apr 2014 Source: Sangaparee, Clement

We live in a continent where governments do every thing in their power to WEAKEN, INTIMIDATE and eventually kill opposition parties in order to perpetuate themselves in power for donkey years, one such government was the NPP under president J.A. Kufour in power from 2011-2008. We often have some overzealous government functionaries who Harass Opposition Politicians when they even make harmless political statements which have no political value in essence. Some typical examples are the following: At Tolon in the Northern Region, the former NPP District Chief Executive wrote to the incumbent NDC MP for Tolon, the former NDC District Chief Executive for Tolon and the former NDC Regional Minster for Northern Region who later became Ghana’s Ambassador to Libya, BANNING THEM FROM ENTERING TOLON, the constituency capital of the Tolon-Kum bungu District where all three persons hail from that was in January 2001. In February 2001, Armed Security personnel stormed the residence of Alahaji Sumani Zakari, the then Northern Regional Vice Chairman of the NDC at dawn to search for weapons, ammunition and narcotic drugs. The personnel comprising the Army and police could not find any of the items mentioned at the end of the Four Hour Exercise-President Kufour’s Security dogs put their tails in between their thighs and walked shamefully away. The former Minister of works and Housing Mr. Kwamena Bartels and his deputy Theresah Tagoe chased the ex-ministers and officials of the Rawlings government out of their official bungalows. Just to subject them to humiliation and Ghanaians watched in disbelief on GTV as their few possessions were thrown out onto the streets as if these former NDC Minister were common criminals who worked under President Rawlings from 1992-2000. The then Attorney General – Nana Akuffo Addo stated at Legon that the NPP would expose all skeletons in NDC Members cupboards, and those don’t have skeletons, the (NPP) would still put skeletons in their cupboards that was in 2001 when the NPP won elections through deceit. This is the same man who was appointed Minister Foreign Affairs and a whopping amount of ($1,446,396) cash was withdrawn from the Ministries Special Collections Account at seven Embassies without the knowledge of the Controller and Account General Nana Akuffo Addo was the foreign minister at that time so where did the millions of dollars go, and yet he told Ghanaians that has never been cited for corruption?

Dr. Tony Aidoo, a former Deputy Minster for Defense under the Rawlings administration was slapped in traffic by a man who only asked; Are you the Tony Aidoo no more in power? The man was one of Kufour’s Security Operatives riding a motor bike who assaulted the former Minster near the Fox Trap Nite Club at Adabraka, a suburb of Accra-The NPP Inspector General of Police (IGP) stated that it was not any important case to pursue. The list is endless and so the rest is now history. Well, every action generates a re-action and the incoming government of the NPP behaved as if the NDC under Rawlings was overthrown in a Military Coup. I per say, does not blame them, because if you put a uniform on a goat, it will behave strangely. For 32 solid years in the political wilderness because of their violent nature, the NPP thought it was time for them to show their political enemies where power lay. These NPP SPREE KILLERS HAVE SADISTIC LUST FOR BLOOD because their fore bears had the same sadistic lust for human blood and they even killed their political opponents and used the meat of the fat ones to prepare meals for lunch and supper without blinking their eyes. They love describing NPP members as political cannibals they are not far from right at all. Without the PDA Ghana’s Independence in 1957 would have fallen into pieces since the CIA was behind it all. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah made an invaluable contribution to politics and rapid development in Ghana and Africa as a whole, but the conditions of his time are completely different from what prevails today 2014. However most of his social and economic policies are still relevant today as it was during his time in office. In the sub-region, every single Civil War had started with ELECTIONS. In December 2008, we in Ghana just managed to scrap through narrowly, and yet we are not learning any lessons. We must ask our selves’ tough questions whether we are doing what is right for this country to survive democratically- I doubt it any way. The NPP is a mutual admiration society of frustrated and disgruntled intellectuals and their spree killers out to destroy what they can not build. Dr. Nkrumah’s CPP government saw to it that the sacrifice made by Ghanaian workers whether by hand or by brain did not rob them of the fruits of the their labour. He ensured that those sacrifices were made in the benefit of all the people and not merely to enrich a minute section of the society foreign or native.

Is anybody littering? I shall return when the need arise. I am done ‘Jaanbie Iwail” Alluta Continua!


Clement Sangaparee

United Cadres Front



All Media Houses


e-mail clementsang@yahoo.comm

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement