
Ace Ankomah ‘whips’ the Rawlingses

Sat, 30 Apr 2016 Source: Ace Anan Ankomah

The First Daughter of the Fourth Republic only just registered as a voter, for the very first time in her life, to make her eligible to contest as MP for the party her dad founded.

Assuming that at all times material and relevant, she had/has been of age, it means she NEVER voted for her dad (twice), NEVER voted for Prof. Mills (five times), and NEVER voted for President Mahama (the once).

And you are sitting there ready to insult, fight and even kill for a politician, when, but for the seasonal drops, crumbs and pittance politicians throw at you, the space between you and political power is like the legendary chasm between hell and heaven.

Permit me a biblical misquote. Matthew 15:20 - "It is not right," Jesus said, "to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. Are you a "child" or a "..."?

Columnist: Ace Anan Ankomah