
Ambassador Victor Smith issues warning to staff

Victor Smith 03.11

Fri, 5 Sep 2014 Source: Ghana High Commission, London

Ghana's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Victor Smith, has warned staff of the High Commission to cut out corrupt practices in the performance of their official duties as public servants or face the sack.

Speaking to High Commission staff at the visa and passport section of the Mission in London a few days ago, the High Commissioner, in an uncompromising mood, told them that any bad press that the Mission gets as a result of poor conduct of the staff in their dealings with the public affects not only themselves and the Mission, but tarnishes the good image of Ghana abroad.

He stressed that he was introducing measures to check and expose wrongdoers in their midst, and investigate reports that he receives with or without direct evidence from the public.

Anyone who engages in acts of indiscipline or does anything which tarnishes the good name of Ghana would be sanctioned.

Source: Ghana High Commission, London