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Editorial : US$30 million, ethnocentricity, and other matters

Wed, 4 Aug 2004 Source: --

The following exchange between Charles K. Amoo-Asante and Professor George Ayittey, two Ghanaians domiciled in the US was made available to ADM last Friday. The issues raised have been raging here too in Ghana.

We wish to use it as our editorial comment today "It is regrettable that some of our so-called intellectuals are playing ethnic politics. As I stated above, I do not care very much about royal stuff. However, I am proud to find the Asantehene getting money for development from a world body?"

Dear George,

I have not written any public document for almost one year. This is partly because I am overwhelmed with personal and professional responsibilities.

I have received emails from people I do not know criticizing me for not writing. I have had an earful about your email to A. B. Bodomo and copied to several people. Complaints have been made to me about my not getting involved and not educating people about this issue and correcting misinformation and misrepresentation.

Indeed, some have referred to my friendship with you as a basis to speak out. I have decided to write to you to explain a few points.

I am no fan of ethnocentric direction of issues or prejudice. I strongly believe in seeing all as equal. No one is above me and I am not above anyone. I am no fan of royal stuff. Having said this I need to correct certain misrepresentations.

I will start with your comments about the ambassadors [Ghana's diplomatic missions abroad]. I do not think that you believe that because someone is "Osei" he is an Ashanti.

That is very wrong. For example, George, you are a Brong but you have a name Ayittey. There are those who will wrongly accuse you of ethnic politics if you make a case for Gas without the person knowing fully who you are.

You mentioned a number of ambassadors with Ashanti names and implied that they are Ashantis. This is very incorrect! You are finding yourself acting like Kofi Awoonor who tended to imply that every Akan is an Ashanti.

I understand that the ambassadors you mentioned consisted of Opoku, an Ashanti career diplomat, who had not been given the opportunity because of his ethnicity by the Rawlings' regime. H. E. Osei in London is from the Eastern Region.

The Ambassador in Australia is not Ashanti. So where did you come to this conclusion?

It would have been intellectual to produce the data on the number of Ghana Ambassadors and their ethnicities. In the end you will find that Ashantis are under represented. Perhaps, you should look at the list of the Directors in the Foreign Service of Ghana. Of 20 or so Directors for the different bureaus, almost 40% are Ewes, 30% are Northerners and only 2 are Ashantis.

This is a rough data I have.

We can do the same for the Ghana Army, the Police and other law enforcement and Security and the Civil Service and look at the total numbers by ranks and find out how Ashantis are represented or misrepresented. Let us use data and facts instead of acting like ill-informed people. Our comments are supposed to be intellectual and must be backed by evidence not oral tradition without facts.

I do fault Kufour for a number of things, but the area I will not fault him is putting Ashantis before other regions. I will fault him for putting Brongs ahead of other regions. Significant numbers of members of the government or civil servants with Ashanti-sounding names are Brongs.

Perhaps, I need to educate you that D. K. Osei is a Brong, his brother in Ministry of Finance is a Brong and a host of other such Osei's. So George, do not get carried away, use data and use evidence, otherwise you will ruin your reputation.

It is regrettable that some of our so-called intellectuals are playing ethnic politics. As I stated above, I do not care very much about royal stuff.

However, I am proud to find the Asantehene getting money for development from a world body, money that does not belong to Ghana but which will be used for Ghana. Are we saying that instead of an Asantehene using his initiative in getting the money, you would rather the money not come to Ghana through the Asantehene?

Kumasi, the capital of Asante is inhabited by Ewes, Northerners and a host of other ethnic groups. Let us get out of our "crab in the barrel" syndrome and make valuable criticism.

I am hoping that you will do a full analysis before you write again and provide an unqualified apology to the people for fanning the flames of ethnocentricity. I know who you are and I know you are above that kind of cheap stuff. Please, please do not sink with them. Get the facts first!!

Do not shoot before aiming!


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