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Another lawyer suspended by General Legal Council

General Legal Council During the period of suspension, he is not expected to hold himself out as a legal practitioner

Sat, 29 Jul 2017 Source:

The General Legal Council (GLC) has slapped a four-year suspension on lawyer Kwasi Afrifa for professional infractions.

Announcing the punitive action on Friday, the Council said the Kumasi-based lawyer was formally charged with two counts under Rule 5(10) of the Legal Profession Rules of 1969.

But he was convicted on three counts.

In the first count, lawyer Afrifa is accused of bringing legal action against one Dr Emelia Timpo on behalf of her brother Nana Kwamina Apreh Ackah, in a case he had an interest in as a lawyer.

The second count also finds him guilty of bringing legal action to evict a tenant of one Kodwo Ackah in a case he had an interest in – having represented the other party in the same case.

“Lawyer Afrifa was also formally charged with a third count under Rule 9 (4) of the Legal Profession (Professional Conduct and Etiquette) Rules, 1969 L.I. 613 that he; having previously acted as Counsel for one Kodwo Ackah of property No. 19A in civil proceedings to evict his tenant at the Ashanti New Town Court, Kumasi subsequently represented his siblings in a probate action involving their mother’s estate and included the said Kodwo Ackah’s property (aforesaid) in the inventory of the estate.”

During the period of suspension, he is not expected to hold himself out as a legal practitioner or attend chambers or render or purport to render to any professional legal services to the public for a fee. “He may not attend chambers at any time during the period of his suspension.”
