
Assembly members forced to register with NHIS

Wed, 21 Dec 2005 Source: GNA

Winneba(C/R), Dec.21, GNA - Mr Solomon Kwashie Abbam-Quaye District Chief Executive for Awutu-Effutu-Senya, last weekend led officials of the District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme to collect insurance premiums from members of the District Assembly who have failed to register and pay their premiums to the scheme.

Mr Kwesi Esseku, Presiding Member of the Assembly, and Mr Kofi Taylor, an executive member of the Assembly's Finance and Administration Sub-committee assisted him.

About one-third of the 62-member assembly were forced to register and pay their premiums with part of their three-day sitting allowance collected at the Assembly's last session for the year.

Addressing the assembly, Mr Abbam-Quaye announced his intention to apply stringent measures to ensure that assembly members who have not registered with the scheme, were duly registered and paid their premiums before the year ends.

He said it was the cardinal duty of the Assembly members to fully embrace the scheme and help the staff in their sensitisation activities to ensure its success.

The DCE said the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was to give the poor and vulnerable in the society good health care delivery without paying huge sums of money.

Mr Esseku and Mr Taylor asked the assembly members to eschew partisanship on issues before the assembly and the implementation of national policies designed to improve the living standards of Ghanaians.

Source: GNA