
Asuopra Rural Bank-

Fri, 9 Dec 2011 Source: Asuopra Rural Bank-


Asuopra Rural Bank-A Scar On The Conscience Of Ndc, Npp, Bank Of Ghana

The Asuopra Rural Bank saga would continue to be a scar on the conscience of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the Bank of Ghana as long as the problem remains unsolved.

It baffles the minds of Ghanaians, especially close observers, that for the past four (4) years or so, over five hundred customers of the bank have not be able to cash their own hard-earned money in these difficult days, when money is hard to come by.

When the New Patriotic Party (NPP) failed the numerous customers during their tenure, the people heaved a great sigh of relief when power changed hands in 2009, hoping that a more listening government of President Mills would come to their rescue.

Three years down the lane, absolutely nothing has been done about the situation, in spite of several publications and petitions to the Presidency and the Bank.

One begins to wonder if governments truly care about the drown-trodden who sacrifice their lives and properties to bring them to power. This situation strengthens the perception of many Ghanaians that, politicians may, after all, not be seeking power to change the living conditions of the very people who cast votes for them.

Interestingly, as the political season peaks next year, these same politicians would be seeking the votes of people like the customers of Asuopra Rural Bank to either remain in or come back to power.

What then would be the use of voting if governments do not take the right actions to improve upon one’s livelihood? To the customers of this bank both the NPP and the NDC have not been of much help to them. As for the Bank of Ghana, perhaps it would respond to their call some day; but for now, they are absolutely disappointed in all of them.

The Daily Democrat shares in the fate of these unfortunate ones and wonders if this would have been the case if a ‘big man’ was one of the customers. In spite of several publications, no response has come forth and the situation keeps on worsening by the day.

With about a year to complete its first term in office, the NDC has the opportunity to prove to these people and the world at large that, it is a listening government. Failure to do so may send signals to the masses that, perhaps, it is not worth wasting one’s time to vote since there is no difference between the two major parties.

The world is watching as the customers of Asuopra Rural Bank still look up to government with the hope that they will come down to Macedonia.

Source: Asuopra Rural Bank-