
Rot At NCA

Thu, 16 Jul 2009 Source: THE SUN


NCA Snubs Atta Mills’s Directives, Appoints Favourites Geography, Biochemist Graduates Made Engineers

There is a smelly heap of corrupt practices at the National Communications Authority (NCA) where a departing director general, Major T. R. K. Tandoh, allotted to himself three luxurious cars, having walked away into retirement altogether with five state-of-the-art-cars at the last count, some as new as seven months. In an audacious perpetuation of the corrupt practices, a huge number of new employees sympathetic to a particular cause have been employed this very year, in contravention of President JEA Mills’ directive to state institutions to freeze employment. Funnily, one man by name Kofi Mensah was offered permanent appointment on January 1, 2009 which was a statutory holiday.

How strange!

Yet again Ama Werekoa Twumasi was also appointed on June 1, 2009. Interestingly Maxwell Marfo who was appointed on February 1st, 2009 has by some strange happening had his appointment backdated to 2008. All these were in contravention of the President’s order. As THE SUN’S rays fell permanently on the NCA, it discovered that bio-chemists and Geography degree holders had been put in charge of purely engineering works and worse still several fresh and old employees hold blood links to three key former Ministers and officials of the last dispensation, two of whom oversaw the Communications Ministry. The records point to the fact that in 2003, former director general Major Tandoh acquired a Mitsubishi Gallant (GW 9683 Q) at ¢12 million. In December 2006 old Major again bought a Toyota Landcruiser (GR 9539 T) for ¢ 50million when indeed Landcruisers were never a part of the fleet of cars to be sold off. In that same December 2006 period, the old Major bought a luxurious Volvo S80 (GW 6977 T) at a give-away price of some ¢ 33 million. Two other luxury cars, a BMW 5231 (ER 5151 X) which had only been on the roads for just seven months, together with yet another Toyota Land Cruiser (GT 5460 W), which was also just two years old were clandestinely handed over to Major Tandoh for a pittance, in contravention with the rule which says only four year old cars can qualify to be in such category. Concerned watchers of the NCA say, there has been, a polarization of the Staff at the Authority where tags of

FOR and AGAINST have been fixed on each and every worker. It is also believed that a magnificent new building to house the NCA in the future has contradictory figures for its sale, said to be running into several billions of cedis. Yet again just one office’s renovation and stocking jumped to an outrageous ¢500 million. THE SUN has learnt that when news of a possible change of guard at the NCA was rife in the air, leading elements who benefited by the booty dispatched influential lads to get to leading politicians thought to have the President’s ear. One George A. Olleenu, the Director of Administration whose qualification should at best see him as a deputy at the Human Resource Office was dispatched to worm his way at least one minister’s heart, so he could re-sate their case vis-a-vis President Mills. Communications Minister .Haruna Iddrisu himself has also been targeted, and was just a month or so ago massaged beautifully when he was hurriedly put on a flight to Portugal to deliver a paper for technical personnel which he clearly had no knowledge about. The idea was to get him to shift grounds in the top cliques’ favour. Indeed, all these embarrassing developments are happening at a time technocrats and engineers cut for the job have been sidelined right in the Authority, and have consistently been prevented from pursuing scholarships for refresher courses.

THE SUN is still blazing on all cylinders and would fill the inquisitive but dutiful Ghanaian in on many more of the piled-up rubbish, that makes the NCA stink to the nostrils of heaven. When contacted Major Tannor (rtd) denied any wrong- doing and also claimed that he purchased the cars more than the prices being quoted by the paper. However when we tendered documents showing the give-away prices he sold the cars to himself at he started fumbling and stammering.

'How did you get these documents, in fact this is the correct figures I went office to see Mr.Kumi Brobbey Peprah to reconcile them but he was not around, but can you do me a favour,? Let me have a look at the documents or give me a copy, he said in a stammering yet croaky voice At the end of the meeting, Maj Tanndoh shot himself in the foot, when the documents stripped him naked for the lies he told over the acquisition of the five vehicles. Meanwhile The Sun’s lenses have spoted Major Tandoh at the Osu castle in a manner that suggested he went over to ‘massage’ Preident Prof. John Atta Mills, perhaps in bid to water down the impact of the earthquake that is to smash to pieces, elements of the NCA who have soiled their fingers over time pretty soon..

Source: THE SUN