
Bullet-riddled body found in Kakoshie after community attack

Crime Scene Yellow Tape File photo

Tue, 31 May 2016 Source:

Thirty-eight-year-old Fuseini Mimina, from Kakoshie in the Northern Region, was shot dead on Sunday in what many believe was a revengeful killing.

It came on the heels of another gruesome murder of a minor at Kafaba on Saturday when people had gathered in front of a chief’s palace to watch a football match.

Both killings are said to have some chieftaincy undercurrent. There has been protracted chieftaincy dispute involving the people of Kalampor, Kakoshie and Kafaba all in the Gonja traditional area.

The deceased, Fuseini Mimina, and one Alhassan had failed to return home after an onslaught on Kalampor, Sunday. Alhassan was however seen on Monday May 30, 2016 creating panic in the community about the whereabout of Fuseini.

After several hours of search, the body of Fuseini was found in a prone position (face down) with bullet wounds all over his body at Haleluya-Kura, a community between Kalampor and Kafaba.

Medical Assistant at the Salaga Government Hospital Issahaku Sumani Osman says Fuseini's death was caused by internal bleeding and multiple gunshot wounds.

Meanwhile, the gazetted Chief of Kafaba, Kafaba-Wura Mahama Konatu II and his elders have refuted allegations that they were behind Saturday evening’s shooting that led to the death of five-year-old boy, Sumaila, and injured 15 others in Kafaba.

A military cum police squad have been stationed in the two communities to ensure calm in the area.

Meanwhile, a suspected enskinment of a sub-Chief Zakaria Yahaya by Salifu Ali, the embattled Chief, was held Sunday 29th May 2016 in Kafaba.
