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CPP Parliamentary Caucus Will Not Break Away

Sun, 6 Oct 2002 Source: GNA

The Parliamentary Action Group (PAG) of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP), on Friday said it had no intention of breaking away from the party as some party functionaries were suggesting.

"There has not been any desire, let alone intention, to break away from the CPP," a statement issued in Accra by the PAG said.

The statement said the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party was fully aware of the existence, deliberations and activities of the PAG.

On the contrary, the statement said, the only desire and preoccupation of the PAG was to see more life in the CPP, if only to obviate the prevalent murmurings in the party for lack of palpable effort to make the party a viable and winsome one.

The statement appealed to members and leaders of the party to avoid all actions and statements of disunity and save it from public ridicule.

"In the interest of the party, disagreements must be settled internally rather than criticising one another in public, which brings both the critics and those being criticised into public ridicule."

It said the goodwill of the supporters and sympathisers was not in doubt, adding that that must be consolidated effectively to impact positively on the present image and future fortunes of the party.

Source: GNA