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Catholic priest condemns feet-dragging approach

Tue, 19 Dec 2006 Source: GNA

Jacobu (Ash), Dec 19, GNA 96 A Catholic priest has expressed concern about the feet-dragging approach of government in addressing the demands and concerns of teachers.

The Reverend Father Stephen Opoku-Boahen, the Parish Priest of Saint Peter's Catholic Church at Jacobu in the Amansie Central district of Ashanti, who expressed the concern, said government rushed to meet the demands of doctors and other health workers but sadly that was not the case of teachers.

He said without teachers, the country would have no professionals. Rev. Fr Opoku-Boahen, who is best known as Father Nkosuohene, said education promoted the development of a nation and the individual and that placed the teacher on a high esteem.

Speaking at an educational forum at Jacobu which coincided with a special awards day organised by the Amansie Central District Education Directorate, the Catholic priest appealed to the government to see to satisfy the needs of teachers.

=93Let teachers demands be your problem=94, he stressed. Rev Fr Opoku-Boahen said teachers needed to be saluted for the various roles they played in the society.

=93I for one, I always respect and salute the teacher no matter his age, his qualification, his height and the rest=94, he said. He, however, appealed to teachers to be committed to the profession, stressing, 93It is your duty to train the children to also become teachers and other professionals=94.

Source: GNA