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Corruption in Ghana started under Rawlings' civilian administration from 1992 to 2000 - Part 1

JJ Rawlings657 Former President Jerry John Rawlings

Mon, 13 Nov 2017 Source: Clement Sangaparee

Former President Rawlings told a visiting political delegation from Sierra Leone at his residence in Accra that the NPP government led by President Akuffo Addo has inherited a regime during which corruption permeated every fibre of society and will need the collaborative effort of every body to bring the canker under control. He falsely tagged the then NDC government of President Mahama as the most corrupt in the history of Ghana which in a BIG LIE. If the NPP is trying to re-write Ghanaians history and Rawlings is always trying to do the same thing then where are we going as a country?

It is now clear that Rawlings is trying to project his wife Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings whose eyes are green with envy at the success of others in political leadership. It is now time to return Fire and stop Rawlings in his tracks. He promised Ghanaians to let him face the firing squad if what he has come to do for the second time in his life failed.

He had come to fight corruption for the second time in his life from1982 – 1992, and true to his words, the integrity level of the AFRC and the PNDC were too high and very intimidation and hundreds of cadres sacrificed extremely to ensure that the PNDC succeeded in ruling the country. Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings is the Life Patron of the June Four Movement but the has never gone to the revolution square in Accra to light the perpetual flame of June Four 1979.

She has no respect for cadres. As the former president of the 31st December Women’s Movement she never rendered Accounts to Anybody but used billions of Ghana Cedis and foreign donations to form a political party known as the NDP – National Democratic Party – it is rather a National Destruction Party and that was why she got only 16,000 votes nationwide when she contested the general elections for the presidency in December 2016. Rawlings is indirectly projecting her by falsely condemning former President Mahama and I will put comradeship aside, and make the Rawlingses transparent in Ghana politics for Ghanaians to actually see who they really are.

They have thrown their weights behind an inept, rotten tribal government of the NPP by the NPP and for the NPP by opening fire on former President Mahama in order to protect themselves once again. They are mistaken this time round, because Ex-Prez. Mahama is my Northern brother and it is my bounded duty as a cadre to return fire on the Rawlings who used cadres for over 19 years plus and dumped them and most cadres died as paupers while they amassed wealth both LEGAL AND ILLEGAL WEALTH with several movable and immovable properties dotted around the country while cadres have nowhere to lay their heads apart from their family houses where they stay amidst insults.

If the inept government of the NPP led by Nana Akuffo Addo has charmed the Rawlingses, this vicious tribal government cannot charm all Ghanaians to turn a blind eye on their extreme corruption, insecurity, dishonesty and nepotism and shower praises on them.

If anything at all, corruption started under Rawlings regime from 1992 to 2000, and that was why his smart and dishonest wife was put on trial by ex-Prez. Kufuor for eight good years spanning 2001-2008 and if the NPP had won that election, Nana Konadu would have been in prison by now- and Rawlings too would have been under House Arrest – however, that would not have taken place because the Progressive Forces within the military are solidly behind him otherwise ex-president Kufour would have finished him long time. Today 2017 several people are beginning to see Rawlings from different angles after his last speech against Mahama about corruption.

We will now not treat the Rawlingses with KIDS GLOVES again since they have become in corrigible and decided to destroy their own political party that just left power in 2016, because they hate the former President and his former ministers who ruled the country for just four years and did their best to ensure that every region in Ghana got its fair share of the National cake, but Rawlings will not listen to anybody’s advice except his wife who walked on the skulls of innocent cadres, amassed wealth, accounted to NOBODY and used same to form a political party with impunity and even turned around to say that she is a woman of integrity – inter - what grity? I beg to ask. Rawlings is only destroying his own legacy in Ghana.

If the yard stick of June Four 1979 in used to measure the lifestyles of Ghanaians today 2017 – Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings will be tied to the states at the Teshies Military Range and executed for corruption and causing financial loss to the state. Rawlings, you asked for War, and now you have it. We will never sit down this time again for you to destroy the former President of Ghana John Dramani Mahama who did his best but had to lose the 2016 election due to a bitter infighting between your faction and the Mills faction that lasted for 8 solid years.

Tell President Akuffo Addo, your new found friend to amend the 1992 Constitution and remove the two term limit for you (Rawlings) to contest for the presidency again at 70 years BUT repeat, but not your wife – Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings as we now know her negative Antics as she always used people and dump them. Has the gallant Cadres and Soldiers actually died for nothing between 1979 & 1992? Is this their reward as well as the remaining surviving cadres including this writer? Keep your fingers crossed, I shall return with more fire on Rawlings.

Aluta Continua!

‘Jaanbie Iwaii’


Clement Sangaparee

United Cadres Front



All Media Houses

Accra Ghana

Columnist: Clement Sangaparee