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Director of Ghana Law School secures scholarships for over 100 students

Director of Legal Education at the Ghana Law School, Barima Yaw D. Oppong

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 Source: Sharp FM

Director of Legal Education at the Ghana Law School, Barima Yaw Kodie Oppong, has collaborated with the Scholarship Secretariat of Ghana to award scholarships to over 100 students.

The scholarship was procured in response to calls from many of the students to the Office of the Director for financial assistance.

The students who benefited from this unprecedented financial assistance expressed their appreciation to him and the management of the school as the act came at a time when most students were finding it extremely difficult to pay their fees and register for the 2022/23 academic exams.

Some of the students noted that they are generally happy with his style of leadership because he always seeks the welfare and best interest of the students. In addition, they highlighted the sound and peaceful academic environment currently being enjoyed at the school under his leadership.

Barima Yaw Kodie Oppong is a Managing Partner of Ampofo, Oppong and Associates. He is also an author and traditional ruler.

Barima Oppong was appointed as the Director of the Ghana Law School on April 1, 2022.

Under his leadership, the School has recently entered into partnership with the University of Greenwich, UK to enable future best students of the Ghana School of Law study their LLM program at the latter. Also as part of the strategic partnership, students in the UK who qualify and desire to enroll for the Professional Law Course will do that at the University of Greenwich and not travel to Ghana.

There is a new dawn at the Ghana School of Law under the leadership of Barima Yaw Kodie Oppong.

Source: Sharp FM