
E.P. Church to set up Office in Accra

Mon, 22 Aug 2011 Source: GNA

Ho, Aug. 22, GNA – At its third General Assembly in Ho on Sunday, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, decided to establish a headquarters annex in Accra.

The event was under the theme: Integrity in Mission and Ministry.

Right Reverend Francis Amenu, Moderator of the Church, emphasised that the headquarters was not being relocated from Ho to Accra rather the headquarters will remain in Ho.

He, however, said it was important for the Church to be closer to sister churches for ecumenical discourses and for regular contacts with other stakeholders.

He said it was risky, costly and time consuming for the leadership of the Church to be shuttling between Ho and Accra on a regular basis.

Rev Amenu said the General Assembly had also decided to establish a Moderator’s Fund, into which at least 1,000 members of the Church would contribute at least GH¢100.00 as seed money for investment.

He said the Fund to be managed by a committee of financial and investment experts would render accounts to the Church every six months.

He said the assembly also decided that the Church’s abandoned fisheries venture be reactivated and royalties demanded from those who use the Church’s publications and other intellectual properties.

Rev Amenu said a website would be created for the church and that Twi, German and French would be taught at the Church’s seminary at Peki.

He urged all presbyteries of the Church to adopt and implement the Agenda 21 document on climate change.

Source: GNA