
Ecocapital Investment Management Limited has commissioned a new branch office in Ho

CEO 28.jpeg CEO of EcoCapital Investment Management Limited, Herman Delali Agbo

Thu, 20 May 2021 Source: Ecocapital Investment Management Limited

On Tuesday the 18th of May 2021, EcoCapital Investment Management Limited commissioned its first branch outside of Accra in the Volta Regional capital of Ho.

Mr. Herman Delali Agbo, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of EcoCapital Investment Management Limited in addressing the ceremony said, it has been his lifelong dream as a native of the Volta Region, to bring smart investment solutions that will help investors attain financial freedom in the region. “We need to develop the habit of investing regularly as this is the only sure way to financial independence.”

According to him, many Ghanaians have numerous financial difficulties and become burdened with family issues due to lack of proper investment habits and retirement planning. He further advised Ghanaians to cultivate the habit of investing for the future by utilizing the many credible investment companies in the country.

He also thanked the regulator – SEC for approving their new branch office in the Volta regional capital and assured them of compliance to the regulatory guidelines in order to promote investment and investor confidence.

He was very hopeful about the future of EcoCapital Investment Management Limited as an institution; and admonished all to support in the growth and sustainability of the company by making EcoCapital their investment manager of choice.

At the Commissioning of the branch office, Hon. Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, the Volta Regional Minister congratulated the CEO for his bold step as a Voltarian to open up a branch of his Investment firm in the region.

The Regional Minister challenged other Voltarians to come onboard in bringing development to the region. He therefore used the occasion to call on other benevolent Voltarians both here and in the diaspora to come back home with more institutions to eradicate issues of unemployment in the Region.

He pledged his support to the staff of EcoCapital and officially welcomed them to the region.

The Hon. The Regional Minister further stated that, “We all have a responsibility to build the Volta region; and applauded the management of EcoCapital Investment Management Ltd for taking the bold step by adding up to the already existing companies in the sector thereby creating employment opportunities for the youth.

The Hon. The Regional Minister called on all private workers, market men and women, as well as Government employees to invest with EcoCapital Investment Management Limited.

EcoCapital Investment Management Limited is a company incorporated in Ghana as an investment and financial advisory firm.

The company was formed by a group of experienced professional investment experts and young business executives who are committed to providing quality financial solutions and investment advisory services to both private and institutional investors in Ghana and Africa

Our primary businesses are:

1.Investment research

2.Financial advisory service

3.Project funding,

4.Pension fund management

5.Capital fund mobilization and

6.Corporate finance advisory.

EcoCapital Investment Management Limited is a private limited liability company incorporated in July 2013 and licensed by Securities and Exchange Commission of Ghana.

We are also licensed by the National Pensions Regulatory Authority as fund managers of second and third tier pension schemes.

Mr. Herman Delali Agbo said, EcoCapital has it's head office in East Legon, Accra. The company had been operating for eight (8) years and the Volta regional capital is their first branch office outside Accra.

1.EcoCapital currently manages the following funds:

2.EcoCapital Prime Fund – a fixed income mutual fund licensed by SEC

3.EcoCapital Blend Fund (Formerly Norde Income Growth Fund) - a balanced mutual fund licensed by SEC

4.EcoCapital Weston Oil and Gas Fund – a leading sector mutual fund licensed by SEC

5.The company also currently manages several 2nd and 3rd pension schemes or funds for a number of institutions in Ghana.

According to the CEO, Mr. Delali Herman Agbo, “this is just the beginning of greater things to come.” We want everyone to invest smartly; leading to smart retirement and sustainability. We at Eco-capital promise to be your dependable companion throughout this process.

We wish the board, management and staff of EcoCapital well on this bold step to open a branch in the regional capital Ho.

Source: Ecocapital Investment Management Limited