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Fabrication Laboratory commissioned in Takoradi

Fri, 16 Jul 2004 Source: GNA

Takoradi, July 16, GNA - Mr Philip Kwesi Nkrumah, Shama-Ahanta East Metropolitan Chief Executive, has appealed to individuals and institutions with technological know-how to assist in the development of science and technology for national development.

Mr Nkrumah who was speaking at the commissioning of a 30,000-dollar fabrication laboratory at the Takoradi Technical Institute (TTI), announced that the assembly would strengthen its relationship with Boston City to facilitate the transfer of technology to the Metropolis. The laboratory was established and financed by the Centre for Bits and Atoms (CBA) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston in the United States.

Its establishment is as a result of the sister-city relations of Sekondi-Takoradi and Boston and marks the beginning of a relationship with MIT, which is well known for science and technical education and research.

Mr Nkrumah appealed to authorities of the institute to allow members of the community interest in fabrication to use the laboratory. Mr John Boafo, Principal of the Institute, urged the Technical Vocational Education and Training division of the Ghana Education Service and the district assemblies to collaborate efforts in providing the manpower requirements of the country.

He said TTI would strengthen its collaboration with the Assembly, MIT and other stakeholders to promote technical education and appealed to women to show interest in fabrication.

Mr Boafo said a training programme would be drawn to ensure sustainability and effective utilization of the laboratory.

Miss Sherry Lassiter, Programme Director of CBA, said the establishment of the laboratory forms part of CBA's outreach programme to transfer personal fabricators, particularly to developing countries. She said the facility was the fifth to be commissioned worldwide and the first in Africa.

Nana Kobina Nketsiah V, the Omanhene of Essikado Traditional Area, commissioned the laboratory.

Source: GNA