
First Continental Political Party adopts Swahili African Name

Sat, 11 Aug 2007 Source: Kwame Boateng

Leader Woos Diasporians : African -Americans, Caribbeans, etc, and pleads for Swahili Language in African / Black Classrooms for Union Government !!!.

The "new born" Africa's Continental Political Party for the anticipated African Union Government has got its African name : UHURU AFRICAN CONVENTION (UAC) and the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, 2008 Ghana's Presidential aspirant; 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency in Kumasi, Ashanti Region; who is the Founder and Leader of (UAC) --- "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor"), as he is affectionately called by Ghanaians around the World) - who has publicly extended hands to all Africans and descedants of Africa, such as African-Americans and Caribbeans to join the Party, is pleading with Africans and descedants of Africans around the World to begin learning Swahili which may be considered as the official Language for a United Africa.

"Uhuru is a Swahili word which means Freedom, and the Royal Politician, whose biological ancestors from the Adonteng Puduo Royal Family of Bamang, near the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, gallantly led Asante wars against Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated on African soil by "our White Brothers and Sisters", announced that "Freedom" shall be the slogan of the first Political Party for a Continental African Government.

"Uhuru African Convention (UAC) shall be the African Model of the Democratic Party of United States of America (USA) and the Democratic-Socialist oriented Political Parties in Europe, especially Great Britain, France and Germany", said the tireless Democracy and Peace Activist who has not hidden the fact that he wants to lead Africa into a Super Power --- a (PEACEFUL) Nuclear Power for the Black Race !!!, which in his own words, will create "Balance of Peace !!!" and moreover, produce a [Peaceful Nuclear Political Equilibrium !!!] with the Nuclear Powers of our White Brothers and Sisters, as well as the Nuclear Powers of our Asian Brothers and Sisters".

"My Exploratory Presidential Committee is looking for the likes of some of America's legends - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay to write the [Federalist Papers] for Africa's Continental African Union Government", echoed the "Father of Modern Day Concept of Continental African Union Government or United African States".

Regarding Africa's Continental Union Government, it should be noted that "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng had questioned in his [2005] complaint against President Kuffuor's government - why government controlled Radio Ghana, in a News Broadcast, had leaked information about some of the objectives of his 2005 abortive "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" such as calling for a "Shadow Government" for a Continental African Union Government and the establishment of a "United African States', which he had personally given to the then outgoing Ashanti Regional Police Commander, Mr. Opare Addo, as he unsuccessfully sought for a permit for his abortive demonstration against Neo-Colonialism and Imperialism !!!.

On the idea of reviving United States of Africa, the Politician recently wrote in a published News Story on Ghanaweb.Com :

"Readers would recall that Line 4 of "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng's complaint as published on Ghanaweb's Politics Section on June 29, 2005 read as follows : ---

" The Ashanti Regional Branch of the Ghana Police Service should respectfully [investigate] and explain why and how the objectives of my impending July 28, 2005 Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration which I gave to the Ashanti Regional Deputy Police Commander and the staff of the Police Record's unit, dated [May 24, 2005; May 27, 2005 and June 11, 2005] - calling for a United African States (UAS) and pleading with African leaders to immediately establish a Shadow Government was leaked and the [essential elements] of my ideas of a [Shadow Government] for a Continental African Union Government and my call for the name of United African States [(UAS)] to be given to such a Continental African Union Government was broadcast on [government-controlled] Radio Ghana's Morning News of Tuesday, [June 14, 2005]. - ( It should be noted that the Police service is a branch of the government !!!)".

The 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency lamented recently that when he tried to organize his "Yaa Asantewaa Wahala", to focus attention on the Neo-Colonialist and Imperialist State of Ghana; a demand for Economic Dialogue with the World's Powerful Economic Institutions to soften thier harsh impositions; and a call for a SYMBOLIC GOVERNMENT for a future Continental African Union Government and a call for "Yaa Asantewaa Festival" to be celebrated on an (annual basis) etc, etc, the then in-coming Ashanti Regional Police Commander and out-going Police Commnder did (not) issue him a permit !!!.

"It is (ironic) that under President John Agyekum Kuffuor's government - a government which denied "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng a permit to stage his "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" to focus attention, (among other things), the creation of a Symbolic Government for a Continental African Union Government to be called "United African States" --- is the same Kuffuor's government hosting an African Summit to discuss the formation of a United States of Africa"!!!, the Politician complained recently in a published News Story on Ghanaweb.Com.

"At a time when most African Leaders who met in Accra recently in [2007] had embraced an African Union (AU) concept, modelled after the European Union (EU), instead of a Continental African Union, or United States of America which Ghana's President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah championed, there is sufficient evidence to prove that "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor), the "Re-Incarnation of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah", tried in vain to invite some of these African Leaders to Ghana to form "United African States" - [UAS], as far back in [2005], via, Registered Letters !!!, the Politician said recently.

"Libya's President, Muammar Qaddafi is my Chief Witness !!!", "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, Founder and Executive Director of "Council on Africans and Americans Relations", (a Non-Profit Civil Rights Organization) said, as he held on to registration numbers 00027 and 00096 which he mailed in Ghana to the offices of Libya's President, Muammar Qaddafi and Ghana's President, John Agyekum Kuffuor in [2005], inviting them to attend his abortive Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration / "African Positive Demonstrations" to among other things, "symbolically proclaim the formation of a Continental African Union Government - United African States (UAS).

The Politician reminded Ghanaians, Africans and the World Community :

"The objectives of my abortive "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration", cum "Africa Positive Action Demonstrations" were broadcast in [2005] on some of Ghana's Radio stations, especially on Fox F.M's - "Kwame Adinkrah Super Morning Show", and the Brave and Peaceful People of Ghana who cherish the Truth and who listened to my 2005 public call for a Continental African Union Government - "United African States -[UAS], are my Witnessess too !!!.

Meanwhile, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor", (who may be qualified to be listed in the Guiness Book of Records as the "first Ghanaian-American to run for Mayor of Los Angeles and also, the first indigenous African to run for a higher public office in the history of America" --- [since America's Independence from Great Britain in 1776]), has publicly cautioned that it is Africa's Unity, Democracy, Freedom and Liberty which will eventually suffer if the new Continental African Party is not provided with the necessary support.

Asked whether he is truly the RE-INCARNATION of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, "Africa's Man of the Millennium", the Charismatic Politician, a Civil Rights Icon in his own right who earned the un-official title "AMERICA'S MANDELA" during his infamouse, Un-American and Politically-Motivated "Trial of the Century", and who has denied a "Political Cult Status" around the World, would neither confirm or deny it, leaving the "Political Mystery" surrounding him to continue !!!.

* Signed for Release : The Office of "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor"), 2008 Presidential Aspirant in Ghana; a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, 1993, etc, and 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency;

>>> Founder and Executive Director, "Council on Africans and Americans Relations", a Non-Profit Civil Rights, Human Rights, Social Services and Cultural Organization fighting to improve relations between Africans and Americans.

>>> Telephone (310) 740-3132 - (USA)

>>> Office *[Forwarded Calls]* : (562) 423-6797 -(USA)

>>> *[Email] : KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com

Source: Kwame Boateng