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First Lady comes to the aid of Assin Asamankese D/A Primary School

First Lady Donation Region GES threatened to sanction the ICT teacher for his methods and tools in teaching

Sat, 17 Jun 2017 Source:

First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication, Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communication, MP for Assin South and Daaman District Assembly have donated 17 set of computers to Daaman D/A Primary school to aid in computer studies.

First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication, Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communication, MP for Assin South and Daaman District Assembly have donated 17 set of computers to Daaman D/A Primary school to aid in computer studies.

The Daaman D/A primary School in the Assin South Constituency of the Central region had become the talk of the nation after one teacher sacrificed and used stones as computer mouse to teach the students due to absence of computers.

The sad news prompted these authorities to show their love to the school to motivate both teachers and students. Other items such as boxes of assorted items, and books were also donated to the students.

A Deputy Minister of Communication, Vincent Odotei Sowah, said they were highly honoured to partner with the First Lady to donate to the School. He asked teachers of the school to put the computers into good use.

The MP for Assin South Constituency, John Ntim Fordjour assured that the Akufo-Addo government would continue to make education its priority.

The District Director of Education, Madam Sally Coleman who received the items on behalf of the School expressed her optimum appreciation to all the parties involved. She also promised that the items would be put into good use.
