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Flood damsel

Accra Flood2 File photo

Sat, 4 Jun 2016 Source: Frederick Hinson

Usual business until the clouds started gathering, the wind started blowing and it started drizzling. People were running helter-skelter. Normal, I thought it was.

The traffic started congesting. Again, I thought it was normal.

Then, a stormy wind started to blow as stores started to close. It started raining. “I need a place to hide and continue my journey later”, I thought to myself.

Finding a place was hard, people were running like they were mad and everything was going very fast. I found a place at last. Cleaning the water on my body and checking my documents, I was turning around like a parent who was inspecting his child’s room when I saw a glowing “object” beside me. Wait a minute!!! It was a damsel.She was light-skinned but her beauty was African.

I kept on staring with a lot of lust in my eyes. She was slightly beaten by the rain and her clothes were wet, revealing her body assets. The fierce light of her skin pierced through my eyes and found its way into my heart. She noticed my gaze and returned it with a smile that was so beautiful that you could get habituated to looking at her. And oooh, her eyes were as bright as the stars in the night sky. God, she was the most beautiful damsel I had ever seen. My mind was filled with certain thoughts as the weather was cold.

Oh! I had just realized that I had moved a step into the rain and I was being drenched in it.

I moved deeper into the shed. The rain was pouring heavier than normal but my eyes were not off my lady. She had a deep tiny dimple.I drew closer to her and we began to have a long chat.

It was like we knew each other. The chemistry was there. Indeed, her beauty spoke louder than her lips. She smelt good (her perfume must be expensive).

We were still chatting when we began to smell something strange and the water levels started rising.

We decided to leave our current hiding place when we realized the smell was that of petrol. As we begun to move, we saw cars being submerged, walls being broken down and mothers crying as they saw their children drowning. All these were just a mere fiction as I was swimming in a supposed romantic lake with my damsel…hhhhmmmmm…

I was suddenly hit by the reality of the whole situation when my lady could not swim any longer. Her leg was stuck in something we could not see. I tried to pull her, but to no avail. I tried to call for help—I must be crazy—everyone was on the move to safety as others continued to stay under the shed, near the filling station(that is where we were standing). The waves of the “lake” had gained momentum.

People could not swim any longer: they were washed into the drain. The situation kept aggravating. Subsequently, I had to shed tears as I was leaving my damsel. She was stuck at that particular spot and it looked like I wasn’t strong enough to save her.

As I approached the level ground, I saw the fire. Everything was happening so fast. The situation was horrendous. For a split second, I thought I was watching a blockbuster movie with me as the hero. I started imagining famous heroes like Spiderman, Batman and Superman who did not deny themselves the pleasure of romance in their mission to save the world from the “killers”.

“Hello, you are not Spiderman!”, my conscience painfully reminded me. However, I had given myself the mission of saving my damsel.

I don’t know where the strength came from but I began to swim through the flood. As I drew closer to her, the waves were getting intense but my vision kept me strong. Being hit by objects, almost bitten by a reptile and almost drowning several times did not deter me. I was determined to reach out to her.

All this while, the fire kept spreading. It traced the location of the fuel(where I initially met my damsel), then boom!!! There was an explosion.

The sound of sirens, chirping of birds, the wailing and screaming of mothers and the feeling of dirt all around me brought me back to life from my unconscious state. “Argh!!” I screamed as I tried to help myself up. “He is alive!” someone screamed. “Nonsense, who said I was dead?” I whispered to myself. Thinking that everything was a dream, I attempted to walk to the kitchen to get some milk to wake me up. With my first step, I stepped on something that felt like a dead animal. I decided to wipe my face… oh no!!There were dead bodies all around. Everything started to play back. “My damsel” I screamed.

I began to scan through the bodies like a Ghanaian dog scanning through “borla” for some carcasses to see if she was in there. Turning my head in a clockwise manner, I stopped when I saw some darkened skin glowing with its beauty piercing my eyes like I was looking at the sun with my naked eyes. I rushed to that spot (I knew she was the one). She was the next to be put into the KIA truck that transported the bodies to the morgue. I stopped them and checked her pulse… “She is alive” I joyfully screamed after checking her pulse. I quickly carried her and stopped a taxi.

Carrying her on my laps in the back seat of the taxi, I was still admiring her natural dreadlocks (she was a natural girl). I could still see her smiles through her closed eyes as she was lying unconscious. All of a sudden, a truck crossed us, and bang! It was a crush. I quickly woke up and realized that we had arrived at the hospital (the crush was a dream). I collapsed after handing her over to the doctors.

After three weeks of admission, we were both discharged from the hospital. Three years later, we got married… “hmmm” I woke up one day and realized that this was all a dream. The damsel is a lady I have had a crush on but I have never approached.

Columnist: Frederick Hinson