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GCB acquires Principal MasterCard status

Fri, 24 Aug 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 24, GNA - Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) has come up as the first bank in the country to acquire a Principle Certification for MasterCard Business.

A statement signed by Mr. J.K.A. Duncan, Senior Public Relations Manager, said a delegation from MasterCard International is in the country to finalise preparation by GCB towards the rolling out of MasterCard branded products in the country.

He said the bank, with its 135-networked branches and 10 agencies, would sponsor affiliates and work with merchants and customers to roll out Global brand debit cards, Credit cards and Prepaid Cards. Mr. Duncan said the delegation would have discussions with the management of the Bank of Ghana and the GCB.

He said the rolling out of the MasterCard was in line with the Bank's mission statement to be the established leader in banking, satisfying its customers, sharing expectation and providing a full range of efficient and highly qualified service nation-wide through the use of information technology.

Source: GNA