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Ghacem, Diamond cement are exploiting Ghanaians – Retailers

Web Ghacem Bags01 File photo: Ghacem

Thu, 4 May 2017 Source:

The United Retailers Association of Ghana is appealing to the Minister for Trade and Industry to investigate the operations of Ghana Cement works (Ghacem) and Diamond cement to save Ghanaians from unnecessary price hikes.

A statement released here signed by its president, Kyeremeh Adom Abayie addressed to the Trade Minister and copied to the Chief of Staff, Senior Minister, Finance, National Security, Justice and Foreign Affairs Ministers as well as other stakeholders in the industry accused the two cement manufacturing companies of engaged in practices dangerous to the economy.

The group observed imported cement from Pakistan, China, Turkey and Bangladesh into the country have maintained their prices but Ghacem and Diamond cement have been increasing their prices on yearly basis.

“Ghana Cement Works has been cheating the country for too long, raising prices almost every year. But when cement from outside started coming in, there has been no increases in the prices till now,” the statement said.

The United Retailers accused Ghana Cement Works and Diamond Cement of orchestrating a plan to collapse the cement importation business to have absolute control in exploiting the people.

Mr. Minister, investigate this matter and you would know that Ghana Cement Works cheat the country and disrespects Ghanaians,” the statement further said.

The group therefore wants the Trade Minister to investigate the issue and ensure cement prices reduction and if possible repatriate Ghacem General Manager.

Attempts by News Ghana to get the side of the story of Ghacem proved futile as after several phone calls, no response came.
