
Ghana Embassy Takes Exception

Mon, 27 Jun 2005 Source: The Analyst (Monrovia)

Attention of the Embassy of Ghana has been drawn to press reports that some Liberian refugees living in the Buduburam Camp in Ghana have been murdered by unknown persons.

The Embassy's attention has also been drawn to the front-page banner story of June 22, 2005 of the Concord Times newspaper titled "Horror - Liberian slaughtered in Ghana" accompanied by a photograph of a dead body allegedly "found near Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana.

The Embassy said it was also concerned about caption accompanying photographs of the murdered Liberian, one Miller, especially when The Concord Times stated that "Concord Times has deliberately inserted the photo of Miller to arouse the attention of Government owing to the series of murders of Liberians in Ghana with impunity." The Concord Times contended that "Ghanaian securities are said to be investigating the gruesome murder of the young Liberian. But refugees in the camp say this is a matter of show." The paper did not identify the nameless and faceless refugees who were said to have expressed their doubts about the seriousness of Ghana Police to investigate the alleged murders.

It is the expectation of the Embassy of Ghana that such reportage is not indicting Ghanaians for being responsible for killings in the Buduburam Camp, which only Liberians and other non-Ghanaian nationals occupy.

The Ghanaian Mission in Liberia said it takes exception to this kind of reportage, saying that there was no conclusive evidence linking Ghanaians to the "killings." Such manner of reporting incidents has the tendency to inflame passions that could progress towards xenophobia.

The Embassy therefore advised that the media should avoid inflammatory reporting of sensitive issues that affect the peaceful coexistence of countries. Besides, the insinuation by the Liberian newspaper is contrary to the globally acknowledged Ghanaian hospitality which Ghanaians have accorded and continue to accord to Liberians who have sought refuge in Ghana. There are thousands of other Liberians who peacefully live in Ghanaian communities and towns.

It is unthinkable and ironical for someone to contemplate that Ghanaian soldiers have died and are dying in Liberia to restore durable peace to Liberia while at the same time Ghanaians are murdering Liberian refugees in Ghana without the Ghanaian police raising a finger. The Embassy said Liberians should remain convinced in the ability of the Ghanaian Government to protect their brothers and sisters living in Ghana.

Meanwhile, the Ghanaian mission in Liberia says it is seeking further details of circumstances surrounding the alleged killing of Miller, and that it was in touch with Accra in the wake of the reported murder case being investigated by the security of Ghana, a release signed by the Executive Information Officer of the Ghana Embassy, Bill K. Jarkloh said.

Constituency #5 Joins Legislative Race -Petitions Woheel For Senatorial Seat Several constituencies in Montserrado County are gearing up for seats at the national legislature, petitioning their sons and daughters to join the race.

The latest constituency that has joined the bandwagon is Constituency #5, Zone 11 where one of their sons, Roland Woheel was petitioned by partisans of the Montserrado Chapter of the Unity Party and numerous residents under the banner of the Friends of Woheel.

Their will for Mr. Woheel was expressed in prepared statement read at the well attended program held over the weekend at the William V.S. Tubman High School on 12th Street in Sinkor.

In the statement, the residents recalled the damage caused by 14 years of civil unrest as "a result of bad governance" a situation they say a credible government can correct.

According to them, the only solution to having credible government is to select and elect "men and women of reputable leadership characteristics." It is in this vein, they have petitioned Mr. Woheel whom they see as someone who possesses good leadership characteristics.

"Whereas, Mr. Roland Woheel is a permanent citizen and resident of Monrovia, Montserrado County where he has demonstrated the quality of a grassrooter, a friend of the common people, voice of the voiceless, a true son of the soil who has acquired real estate and owner of the CAWO Printing Press among other business ventures," they claimed in the petition read by James of Hallowanger.

In response, Mr. Woheel said his petitioning marks a historical day in his political life and thanked the people for the confidence they reposed in him to ask him to contest one of the senatorial seats for the Montserrado County.

"As you have petitioned me to run for a seat in the Senate for Montserrado County, I am a grass rooter.

As the saying goes, the voice of the people is the voice of God. When God says light must shine on you, can anyone stop the light from shinning?" he asked.

Source: The Analyst (Monrovia)