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Ghana Telecom urged to improve services

Fri, 12 May 2006 Source: GNA

Akim Oda (E/R), May 13, GNA - Subscribers of Ghana Telecom (GT) line telephone at Akim Oda and its environs on Friday expressed concern about frequent interruptions of their network recently.

Mr John Asiedu a spokesman for a group of about 100 GT subscribers, who went to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) offices at Akim Oda to pour out their grievances, said the frequent interruptions were adversely affecting their smooth business transactions. He urged Management of GT to live up to their motto "linking people everywhere" by taking the necessary steps to improve upon their services.

Mr Asiedu was not happy about the long delays in restoring services, whenever an interruption occurred and cited an example of an interruption, which occurred on Friday, May 6, 2006 and has since not been restored, as at the time of the complaint.

When contacted, Miss Evelyn Amankwaah, Customer Relations Manager of GT, Akim Oda District, appealed to customers to exercise restrain, adding that, engineers were busily working on the line to have normal services restored.

Source: GNA