
Ghana launches End of Modern Slavery work Project

Fri, 27 May 2016 Source: GNA

More than 190,000 people are currently victims of human trafficking in the country, and along the Volta Lake alone, more than 49,000 children are engaged in work.

Out of the number 21,000 are forced into hazardous labour that is very dangerous to their lives.

Mr David Kofi Awusi, Assistant Director of Engage now Africa, a non-governmental organisation (NGO), who made this known in Accra said per the United States Department of State annual trafficking in Persons report, Ghana is currently ranked on Tier 2 watch list.

“This ranking means that…Ghana has failed to comply with the minimum standard for elimination of trafficking as stated in Section 108 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.”

He said the danger is that if Ghana moves to Tier 3, it risks not receiving international aid and donor support for development and for the majority of Ghanaians this means human capital loss.

“This is the reason why Engage Now Africa is calling on the government to allocate part of the national cake for the eradication of human trafficking.”

He was speaking at the National Launch of a project called: “End Modern Slavery work in Ghana,” on the theme: “Ghana on Tier 2 Watch List, What Next?

Engage Now Africa is an international NGO operating in Ghana, Ethiopia, Namibia, Sierra Leone and Uganda, with the focus to end poverty in Africa.

Its mission is to engage and strengthen individuals, families and communities to end poverty by instilling hope and teaching the principles of sustainability in Education, Self-support Assistance, Medical Services and to champion the course in Eradicating Modern Slavery.

According to Mr Awusi, Modern slavery refers to recruitment, transportation, harboring or transfer of a person from one place to another against his or her will for the purpose of forced labour, sexual exploitation or organ trade.

Mr Eric Peasah, Executive Director of Right to Be Free, speaking on the topic: “What must be done to end human trafficking in Ghana,” said it is about time stakeholders in the fight against human trafficking combine their forces together and say no, to modern slavery.

Mr Peasah, who is also a member of Human Trafficking Management Board, said the fight against the inhuman activity is not the responsibility of the government alone.

Source: GNA