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Ghana to participate in ITB Exhibition in Berlin


Tue, 3 Mar 2015 Source: GNA

The Ghana Tourism Authority says Ghana is set to participate in the upcoming International Tourism Exchange (ITB) Fair in Berlin, Germany, scheduled for March 4 - 8, 2015.

It said this came after two impressive showing at the just ended Vakantiebeurs Tourism Fair and the FITUR International FAIR in Netherlands and Spain respectively where participants thronged the Ghana Stand.

A release issued to the Ghana News Agency on Monday in Accra said the sector was confident of using this platform to market Ghana’s tourism products to the international tourism market and attract foreign investors to the country.

The ITB Fair, which is the world’s leading Travel Trade show, is an annual event which takes places in the German Capital of Berlin.

“With 11,163 exhibitors and an estimated 110,000 trade visitors from 180 countries, ITB is seen as the leading Travel Trade Show and foremost business platform for global touristic offers,” the statement said.

The sector’s participation in this year’s fair would help encourage global tour operators and travel agents to highlight Ghana on their tour circuits, and would afford Ghana the opportunity to inform and sensitise investors about investment incentives and opportunities available in the tourism sector.

“With the assembling of representatives of tourism destination operators from around the world at the fair, Ghana’s Tourism will take the opportunity to conduct market research in competitive and generating markets and also explore training opportunities for the sector’s human resource”.

It stated that Ghana’s activities at the stands would include an Independence Day observation on Friday, March 6, business to business meetings and Ghana Day Celebrations with a display of special Ghanaian cuisine, music and dance performances for visitors to experience.

Ghana’s delegation included officials from the Tourism Ministry, the Ghana Tourism Authority, Ghana Airport Company and private sector operators led by the Minister of Tourism, Culture & Creative Arts, Mrs Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare.

Ghana’s participation at the fair is co-ordinated by the Ghana Tourism Authority with support from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts.

Source: GNA