
Global Media Alliance Staff Receive Motivational & Leadership Training

Wed, 3 Feb 2010 Source: --

Accra, February 2, 2010 - Global Media Alliance (GMA), a leading pan-African media, Communication and Entertainment Company has held a mass training exercise for its growing staff force. The training, organized for close to 100 employees had participants from GMA’s business units; Ghana, Silverbird, Y107.7FM, Happy98.9FM, Anigye102.5FM, Weekend World newspaper, Sekondi Eleven Wise Football Club, as well as participants from the parent company GMA.

The trainer, Mr. Rinus Le Roux, from UCan Institute in South Africa is a professional speaker, trainer and author and is acclaimed for inspiring many people to identify their potentials and to approach life with a positive attitude. He deals with serious issues in a playful manner and distils them into easily digestible topics such as:

- Work could become child's play - It's all about relationships and - Dear CEO, thank you for the e-mail, hope to see you before my retirement

In very interactive training sessions organized at the Coconut Groove Regency Hotel in Accra, participants were engaged in several team building activities and lecture sessions on building a meaningful personal life and work life.

Said MD Ernest Boateng, “We at GMA recognize and appreciate the culture of learning and continuous development of employees. In today’s fast-paced economy, if a business is not learning, it is going to fall behind. A business learns as its people learn. As a people-centred organization, employee happiness is also very important to us and so we do our best to ensure that our employees are well equipped to lessen the inevitable pressures on the job. Training programmes such as these are very helpful in this regard especially in a dynamic industry such as the media”.

Staff of the company, after the two-day training were full of praise and commended management of GMA for the positive and helpful initiative.

Many of them said they were very happy with the training, saying it was very inspiring and informative. They said that the training was a re-awakening of simple measures that will help them keep their lives refreshed and meaningful at home, and at work.

GMA has in the past involved staff in many training programmes including international staff exchange programmes. This is the first time though that a training of such magnitude involving so many employees has been organized. Management of GMA have promised to embark on more of such engagements in order to empower their staff and keep them happy.


About Global Media Alliance: Global Media Alliance (GMA) is a PAN African International Integrated Public Relations & Communications Company. Founded in 1998 in South Africa, the company is currently based in Ghana. Our strategic thrust is one of knowledge sharing, ideas creation and innovative thinking. We thus provide a broad range of communication services with a focus on delivering measurable business results to our clients. With interest in Broadcasting, Sports Management, Entertainment, Print and other media and communication services, we are the most vibrant and dynamic media Communications Company in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Contact: GMA Corporate Affairs 0244 987 121

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