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Gov't to construct an alternative route to Northern Ghana

Fri, 4 Jan 2002 Source: --

Hohoe (Volta Region) -- President John Agyekum Kufuor on Thursday said the government would pursue the construction of the Accra-Hohoe-Damanko road as an alternative route from the South to the Northern parts of the country.

"It would provide an alternative road to the North. Government is committed to purse this road and will do it", he said in response to an appeal by Togbega Gabusu VI, Paramount Chief of GBI Traditional Area in the Volta Region at a grand durbar of the chiefs and people in honour of President Kufuor during his maiden visit to the region.

Togbega Babusu said the construction of the road, which would facilitate the transportation of people and foodstuffs to marketing centres had been on the drawing board for sometime now.

In addition, he said while the route from Accra to the North is 406 miles the new road if constructed, would reduce to 376 miles.

President Kufuor said the government acknowledge the importance of Hohoe and its position in the region and the country as the mainstream of socio-economic development in the country.

He commended the people for their support to the NPP and said the government was for all Ghanaians and would not be a government of " the winner takes all but unite the people".

President Kufuor appealed to chiefs to channel all grievances such as allowances to chiefs to the National House of Chiefs (NHC), which would intend submit a petition to Parliament for redress.

Togbega Gabusu, who is also the President of the Volta Region House of Chiefs said the President Kufuor’s visit, the first of a sitting President not on a political campaign was a clear manifestation of his all-inclusive governance.

He appealed to the government for assistance to develop the WLI Waterfalls, the highest in West Africa and the Monkey Sanctuary at Tafi and other tourist attractions in the area.

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