
Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

Sat, 4 Jun 2005 Source: Kwadwo, Fred

.....kufour is a Thief and leads a corrupt gov?t
.....Akuffo-Addo, Apraku, Osafo-Maafo, Addo-Kufour and Aliu are not presidential materials
.....spin-doctors like Haruna Atta, Okyere-Darko, Ansaba, Gina Blay, Dugan Daniel and charles Sam are the stomach journalists in Ghana, with HONOURABLE BAAKO as the head.

Fellow ghanaians! Are we cursed or live on a different planet "And where are the good people in NPP gone to?" We have to get answers today, from the so called intellectuals, before Kufour, apraku, Boafo, edumadze, i c quaye and the likes plunder the coffers of Ghana.

It is shameful that the much trumpeted ?Zero Tolerance on Corruption?is catching up with the president himself. He is simple a thief and no amount of words can convince me that, Kufour could be exonerated.Some people in the NPP are not thinking of the generation to come, hence these heinous crimes.

Come to think of it. NPP ministers have no certificates and they lied like the CAT.Because of the Alajo flooding and the 1983 bushfires, IC QUAYE and Moctar Bamba respctively lost their certificates.Wonderful! If it were to be CPP or NDC ministers,these episodes would have had a different dimension in this country. Now,it is against the NPP and the spin doctors led by the good for nothing Kwaku Baako are doing the Pulic Relations work for NPP, for a fee(their stomachs).

People call incompetence of the NPP to question, but the stinking mouth from Apraku, the THIEF,knowing no shame, come in defence, because he wants to be our president.

God Forbid! Akuffo-Addo is towing the same line, defending the indefensible HOTEL KUFOUR issue.He wants to be president and pave way for the ESCOBARS to invade ghana. This is how I see NPP nowadays;no vision,no direction,only making money waa, waa ,the Kufour way.I am sorry for the Ataa Ayi?s in the Party.Nemesis will by all means catch up with you and Ghanaians will know no PARDON!

Before this calamity will befall us, I C Appiah Ofori(Odoben), Agyare Koi-Lardi, Atta Agyapong, Akoto Boakye and the likes should rise up and rescue us from these recalcitrants & THIEVES,who came to government to amass wealth. This time around, the party needs these honourable and principled men like those I have mentioned to lead it. Lies, Exam malpractices, corruption, drug deals, do not augur well, for a brighter chance, come 2008.

Odeneho Oduro Nimapau(of blessed memory), the former chief of Essumagya, would have been the only Ashanti to speak against Kufour, Anane,Apraku and Boafo on their?thiefing ways? Those who have no desire, to speak about the Hotel Kufour,must think of their children and childrens children. Money for the hotel kufour could build the Nsuta -Obomeng and Atta ne Atta -Atibie Roads.This is why that should be a national assignment and this is why I would like the 2 most useless MPS in Ghana , Adusa Okerchire from Nkawkaw and Osafo Mensah from Mpreaso ,to work hard with the NPP faithfuls ,to kick these thieves out. NPP was the work of Danquah and Busia, for Ghanaians and not for the Kufour?s.They are now only servants of the people,who are rather being served by the people. Ruud LUBBERS,the former UNHCR head,did same as Prime Minister of holland and was sacked by his party ,The Christian Democratic Appeal(CDA).Still at UNHCR,he did same as Kufour--women,emaa-emaa, women and was sacked.

If we can?t put our house in order,our reliace on spin doctors, will back fire and should NDC put Dr Kwesi Botchway in front,we will say ?Had We Known?and it will be late

Fred Kwadwo
Mankata,Adom Comm,Tema

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Columnist: Kwadwo, Fred