
Helena Huang aided out of Ghana by immigration officials?

Chinese Woman Helena Huang Helena Huang with some police officials

Sun, 12 May 2019 Source: ghana report/

The Ghana Report can now confirm that the notorious forty three year old Chinese national Helena Huang who was arrested by police in the Northern Region with four containers of Rosewood timber has jumped bail and escaped under suspicious circumstances into neighbouring Togo.

Questions are being asked by well-meaning Ghanaians on how the lady who was considered very influential and cunning could slip through Ghana’s borders without being noticed by the security services.

Close sources to the Northern Regional Police Command disclosed to The Ghana Report that hopes of tracking down Helena Huang is fading after an influential individual stood surety for the Chinese suspect to be granted bail.


Northern Regional Police PRO DSP Yusif Tanko who spoke with The Ghana Report appeared evasive and said he had left the jurisdiction for other duties but will furnish the portal with an update.

Ms. Huang was arrested at the Vittin police barracks near Tamale, after allegedly evading multiple checkpoints with four containers of rosewood.

Helena Huang, 43, was accompanying the truckloads of the timber when she was apprehended at the Vitting Barrier by the police.

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources in March 2019 placed a total ban on the harvest and export of Rosewood.

The ban followed reports that there was fresh felling of the tree despite a partial in 2017 ban which allowed already cut down trees to be salvaged.

The Ghana Report will continue to monitor investigations by the Police and keep readers updated.

Source: ghana report/
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