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I am ready to face the Pharmaceutical Council - Korle-Bu CEO

Prof Otoo Nartey

Wed, 12 Sep 2012 Source: Kojo Frimpong

The Chief Executive Officer of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Prof Otto Nartey, has given indication he is ready to appear before the Pharmaceutical Council.

The Pharmacists Association resolved to drag the CEO of the nation’s premier hospital before the Pharmaceutical Council for opening the pharmacy stores to attend to patients whiles pharmacists are on strike.

But Prof Nartey in an interview on an Accra based radio station said he did not enter any pharmacy store and that he is ready to answer to questions that will be raised by the council.

he argued that “The medicine for surgery is not for the pharmacists, it’s for the Anesthetist,”

Prof. Nartey added: “The Anesthetist needed the drug and they (the Pharmacists) had locked it up, so I had to get the drug for the Anesthetist, who needed it for surgery.

“When you withdraw your services, you stay away; it is up to management to ensure that the work of the facility continues.”

You would recall that it was published in a local newspaper that the C.E.O of Korle-Bu, Prof. Nartey, had broken-into the pharmacy of the nation’s premier Hospital for drugs to save lives whiles Pharmacists are on strike following challenges in their migration onto the new pay policy, Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS), which they (Pharmacists) accuse the Fare Wages and Salaries Commission of unfair treatment.

The Fare Wages and Salaries Commission has subsequently come out to deny any wrong doing, accusing the Pharmacists of delaying their own migration process

Source: Kojo Frimpong